in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

First, I want to appreciate God for allowing me to partake in the fellowship of Christ.
My salvation story is the most amazing thing that has ever happen to me and am always glad to share the story to individuals that I meet.
Most importantly, am glad that God has given me this grace to share this story to the world through HeartChurch.
I am a Nigerian and I was born in an extended family, my both parents were pagans (idol worshippers).
Opportunity was never given to me to mingle with friends hence Sundays were part of our farming days.
It happened that I was the only son of my Dad as such it was assumed that I will take over in serving the gods when he joins his ancestors.
You know, my childhood friend was a Muslim and he usually embarrass me when among equals.
I was asked to pray in general assembly but I did not know what to pray or even how to start. The whole school assembly boast into laughter, I felt like the ground should open and hide my shame.
I horridly mate my Muslim cousin to teach me how to pray but he told me to always join him in the mosque for prayers.
Of course I gladly joined Islam and Islamia (Quranic reading group).
It was fun and my uncle added more joy to it by promising me bicycle. Wow that was my long time desire!
Yes, I became known as Muslim but still worshipping idols though. This was because my dad threaten and starved me a night for refusing to follow him to the shrine.
There was no option, I had to worship my dad's idol and at same time pray in the mosque to avoid that same public disgrace in school.
In the year 2000, a group of missionaries came to our village accompanied with Boys Brigade drumming in their full uniform.
Almost all the children and even adult gathered round watching and listening to the sweet sounds of trumpets and they led us to ECWA (then, Evangelical Church of West Africa. Now known as, Evangelical Church Winning All).
For sure, I was among the children that followed the group to the church and we were asked to seat on the ground to listen quietly.
My whole world was like heaven with different ministration from women fellowship and church choir, no band at the time anyways.
I remember we sang in Hausa (Nigeria language mostly spoken in the Northern part of the country)
Suna na Suna na...
Suna na...
Suna na ya Shiga...
Suna na...
Chikin litafi lai...
Suna na, Ayah suna na...

Abinda Nike so...
Suna na...
Suna na ya Shiga...
Suna na...
Chikin litafi litafi lai...
Suna na, ahya suna na...

(Meaning ... My name has been written in the book of life).

Church was introduced to me not Christ because I did not know what it means to accept Christ. maybe the teacher or preacher did not mind that children were interested to know Christ too.
Secretly started to be attending Sunday services though not on regular basis and in most cases usually late to service cause I have to go to the farm and ensure I finish my portion. I did this until 2008 September 8th I confessed Christ to be my Lord and Savior and I confidently told my Dad about my dissatisfaction on worshipping his idol.
He smiled! And responded "then be ready to pay your school fees".
I knew this will come up and I became bordered. My Mum took the responsibility of paying my fees and all of a sudden she also became a Christian. There was crisis!
I hold onto Christ and there was or neither is there anything that can separate me from the love of Christ.
Today, am glad that my dad who persecuted me finally turned to become a Christian in 2018/11/17.
James 1:2-4 ESV
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

In working your salvation the road maybe rough but there is joy in suffering.
Praise the Lord!


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