in HeartChurch4 years ago

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You will light my lamp;
Jehovah my God will enlighten my darkness.
Psalm 18:28

The light of the world is Jesus and we are with him.

He has appointed us to be light in the dark.

That is why there is great power in light, for if you are a light, you witness that God is a lamp at your feet, and a light in your direction.

His presence in you is the light the makes you shine, to draw disciples to Him.

But if your light is opaque what happens? If it goes out and isn't separated from those who don't believe in God?

Are you really displaying your light to the dark ones? Or do they not know that you are a child of Light, not of darkness?

Let us be light, let us imitate Christ, rather than words, with actions we ahould make Christ shine in our lives, so that those in darkness will be converted to Him.


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