Once again here wishing on the life of each of you health, I had a few days without writing, the truth is that I have gone through a strong process regarding health, which makes me thankful to God for the gift of life.
Courtesy: Ig Lecheria
The image above is that of my city, days ago I was looking and thinking about everything we are living, really the news is hopeless for many, at that moment look at that rainbow and I remembered the covenant of God with his creation and faith is needed to overcome every adversity, but who are we going to sow that seed? What is the world waiting for?
Our greatest enemy is fear, I have experienced it in these last days and it is anguish what it feels like in situations that we cannot control, we definitely need God, we need words, that strengthen our spirit and heal our soul.
As Christians we have responsibilities, and among them is to carry that message of faith and hope, so this week I would like to read about the covid-19 era, how you are facing it and what are your future expectations, which you will transmit to your peers now?
God is near and is our refuge in the midst of the storms and catastrophes that we face. It doesn't matter if the problems are small or big or if the consequences seem impossible to bear, our God is the only source of true security and we can trust Him. God cares for us as mentioned in Psalm 121 and we can corroborate it throughout all of Scripture and many of us have experienced it throughout our lives. Christians suffer like everyone else, but we can do it with the peace that God gives us knowing that our Heavenly Father is watching over us, contribute your grain of sand at this time with a message full of love and faith, many people want to read them.
Love of neighbor is the fundamental test of our faith. Jesus clearly stated in John 13:13: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." In times of crisis, our genuine love for others is the light to a world darkened by problems. This love is concrete and has as its maximum example the love that Jesus showed us by dying for us on the cross (John 13:34).
We are going to start this new stage of the church with the spiritual food that the world needs, it will be virtual and real, from their homes and communities we can do a lot for our fellow men. Steps to follow: 1.- Reblog this post. 2.- Share on social networks. 3.-Make a blog about the subject covid-19 from the Christian perspective. 4.- Leave the link in the comments of this blog.
I share a melody made by Marcos Molina @minuetoacademy, based on the Good Samaritan for the social work of HeartChurch Venezuela and the Bread From Heaven project, simply beautiful.
Remembe: We are doing this not to fill a space, but to exercise and develop responsibility, commitment and leadership, coupled with the ability to multiply in each geographical or virtual area.
Any questions or suggestions are communicated through the channels:
My life belongs to God and neighbor, while there is encouragement in me, it will be an honor to do everything I can to bless the land.

Thank you to all who contribute their votes to our community:@pennsif, @penguinpablo,@exyle,@mhm-philippines,@luppers,@payroll,@redpalestino, ,@gerber, @hanshotfirst, @theycallmedan.

Cheers.Blessings Apostle Darlenys and everyone. Here is my entry to the challenge https://peakd.com/hive-108514/@felixgarciap/do-not-grieve-the-holy-spirit-of-god-my-faith-experience-with-covid19
My link to the challenge: https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@mamidalia/the-surgical-mask-new-challenge-covid-19
My entry:
My entry to the challenge: https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@elpastor/elpastor-my-quarantine-journal-or-or-covid-19
Blessings. My link to the challenge: https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@dali13/coronavirus
Hola Darlenys espero estes bien! Votado, reblogeado, tweeteado
My entry:
Blessings to you @darlenys01 and all in this community. This is my link shared on the new challenge: https://peakd.com/hive-108514/@evegrace/trust-in-the-name-of-the-lord-in-this-pandemic-period-my-covid-19-challenges-and-the-victories-in-christ
Blessings hna @darlenys01 share my link of the new challenge: https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@carlis20/covid-19-the-birth-of-my-quarantined-baby
Apostle Darlenys. Nice shot. We must certainly feel blessed since God in his infinite mercy shows us a special love that we can reflect in such a beautiful photograph, focusing on sharing our experiences of faith in the HeartChurch community. Thank you very much for the invitation to participate in such a prestigious challenge. Blessings.
Link to my entry:
My link.
Thanks once again for yet another inspiration and spirit filled messaged. It is always a blessing to share with the community
Excellent initiative appreciated @darlenys01. Very conducive to the time we are living. We will work according to the new challenge. Blessings
This is indeed a great initiative to help fix our hope in Christ. Great one Apostle.
My entry: https://peakd.com/hive-108514/@gabrielr29/ni-tan-calvo-ni-con-dos-pelucas-not-so-bald-or-with-two-wigs-or-quarantine-challenge-of-heartchurch
This is your children @gloriouskids. It’s our pleasure to submit our entry.
My entry for the challenge: https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@imaluv54/i-have-christ-despite-covid-19-heartchurch-week-challenge
Hi Here is my entry:
Good morning ma @darlenys01 this is the link to my challenge
This is my entry to the heartchurch week challenge.
You're right: it's good to develop more responsibility.
You're smart and i'm curious to know what's your opinion about this blog.
Blessings, here is my message:
Best regards https://peakd.com/hive-108514/@saidaplc/la-solidaridad-se-manifiesta-como-obra-de-dios-solidarity-manifests-itself-as-the-work-of-god
blessings, love and gratitude