in HeartChurch3 years ago
Authored by @Ricci01

There are those who believe that to win heaven much sacrifice is needed, many charities or social works ... that actions, ethical behavior and moral character will allow them to reach or win to heaven.

Other conglomerates of people believe that an action plan or goals or a plan for self-improvement is the solution to achieve the glory of God and eternal life.

There are also people who think and even believe that they will be excluded due to past sins even if they repent; however none of this is true according to the holy scriptures since no work will determine our eternal state.

There are infinities of people who do social works and do not know their creator, completely ignorant of God's plan for their lives. In this way it is impossible for a person to achieve salvation or eternal life because God must be recognized as he is and one must recognize the sacrifice that he made with his son Jesus Christ to give us life.

Look at how the word of God says according to this context!

Ephesians 2: 8-9
8 For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.


This verse confirms that works are not the ones that determine our eternity nor are they the works that will move God's grace in our lives, although practicing works in a sense is good since God's word also tells us that faith without works is dead because we must sow the fruits of the spirit of God in our society and thus walk in faith.

We are saved by faith and by God's grace because God calls us to do his will and do his mission. Remember that we are like planted trees that we must bear many fruits but everything in the mission of God according to his will.

God wants our heart before works because if you have God in your heart you will also honor God with good actions; but first you must seek the kingdom of God and its justice; you must seek him with all your heart so that he can fulfill his purpose in each one of us.

We are saved by grace and not by works, that is the first thing we must understand that if you only strive to seek to do works to please God and do not seek him in obedience to do his justice, everything will be in vain.