HIVE- The People's Blockchain... Driven by Communities not an Entity
I am 25 months old in active blogging and vlogging on the blockchain sphere and my experiences here has changed my narrative a whole lot about the internet. The journey all started on steemThe People's Blockchain -HIVE, driven by communities not an entity. until steem became a Sole Proprietorship business. Staying on steem became unbearable especially for people who are outspoken. Speech was never anymore free and lo, thanks to @Blocktrades exchanges, @Good-karma, @Theycallmedan and a bunch of many others who gave their weight to the birth of
Forking out of steem was never an easy thing to have accomplished but for a formidable united community of freedom, #Freespeech and decentralized economy seekers like we have. The whole world was watching to see how we'll thrive and surely, community efforts and collaboration has made hive stayed and now we look forward to a truly decentralized future.
One of the things I was personally afraid of was the pricing of hive especially as a new blockchain. My imaginations were surpassed when I saw hive price charthere. within its first 10 days hit the very highs of $0.32. Below is a 30-day price chart for hive on @Coingecko. The Blue circles indicate the start value and today's value. The green circle indicates the max value in the first 30 days while the red circle indicates the lowest dip of hive. The future is quite "greeny" as development continues to improve as reported
The Future is Bright for Hive
Like I did for steem, I have within these 30 days been able to spread the news of this truly decentralized blockchain to as many as I can despite the lockdown following covid pandemic. I am expecting a surge of onboarding from my locality after the lockdown is lifted as aggressive promotion of hive will be ensued. That nothwithstanding, I have successfully onboarded four new users.
My push for the next couple of months is to onboard professionals and professional organizations to leverage a truly decentralized community in the fore of implementing the tenets of Internet 3.0. Reading updates on @Hiveio strengthens me for a bright future on this blockchain.
My Testimonials
Within the past 30 days, I have been able to author over 80 posts. Such feat can only be attained where good content is appreciated and engaged.
Moreover, my community engagement has engages on the hive blockchain. I am glad to list some of the communities among others that have made my stay in hive memorable in the first 30 days through their engagement and curation. They include:
Also, some Hivians have been very supportive over these first 30 days. Some of whom are @Anomadsoul @Theycallmedan @Dtrade @Taskmaster4550 @taskmaster4450le @Rollandthomas @smartvote @michealb @suonghuynh @Mindtrap @Mustard. They have been very engaging on my hive blogs.
My Best Thoughts so far shared on Hive...
- Social Influence and the Marketability Options for HIVE - A Call for "Brand Ambassadorial Funding Proposal" for Hive and Hive-Engine Tokens
- Who's the Influential Image behind the HIVE Brand?
- My Quarantine Challenges: My Goals and Preparedness to to Start-off
- Freespeech: Why muzzle the Ox that threshes your corn
- Innovation could be as CHEAP as a Recycled Product - How would Virtual Learning Satisfy this?
- Winning your Sales with Effective Communication
- Explaining Blockchain "Acceptance" and "Onbaording" using Tajfel and Turner’s Social Identity Theory
- COVID-19 inspires Local Content Development in Technology as Nigerians begin to build Ventilators
- How much do you contribute to the Build of your Community?
- Virtual Learning: Untapped Sector for Crypto Financing as Covid 19 Pandemic suggests Tele-Education
- Which of these accounts will grow faster - Steem or Hive?
Final Words
The first 30 days on hive has been summed as 30 days of Freedom, Growth, Community-driven leadership and Development. It has been a great display of unity amidst the diversities of individuals and communities towards the build of a formidable blockchain.
Thank you Hivians for being here.