in HeartChurch5 years ago

In this passage God shows us through Isaac and his experience in Gerar a situation similar to that of his father Abraham where he ratifies his word of covenants and oaths with his children who obey him, making us understand that he does , leave us a powerful teaching or give us a word that will and in the same way that Isaac was blessed and blessed generations for his obedience, we will be strengthened from our crises and prospered because he is faithful and keeps his pacts from generation to generation because God promises these pratiarchs a great family lineage and the economic activity in the midst of the crisis they were going through. God is not absent in any crisis of the earth and allows them because they are necessary and some come from men, but their fidelity and their oaths are present in all situations.

In the midst of any crisis Christians should know that when the world dies of despair we have:
Hope in God in hopeless times



Genesis 26
26 Then there was a famine in the land, in addition to the first famine in the days of Abraham; And Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines at Gerar.
2 And Jehovah appeared to him, and said, Do not go down to Egypt; dwell in the land that I will tell you.
3 Live as a stranger in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; For to you and to your descendants I will give all these lands, and I will confirm the oath I swore to Abraham your father.
4 I will multiply your descendants like the stars in the sky, and I will give your descendants all these lands; and all the nations of the earth will be blessed in your seed,
5 Because Abraham heard my voice, and kept my commandment, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

Firmness is a key to obedience that every Christian must practice since when we are faithful to God and remain firm we will surely be able to enter into the covenants and oaths that he has promised regardless of the crisis we are going through because even in the midst of adversity God will bless us as He did Isaac.

Currently the world has been transformed and surprisingly it has brought situations that as Christians we have to evaluate because our position cannot be equal to that of the world we have an identity that is in Christ and is the word of God (the Bible) which determines the guidelines that we must follow therefore whatever the adversity we keep in mind that God will pour out his blessings on us if we are obeying and hearing with the spiritual ear what the spirit is speaking in these times.

Sometimes the unknown can bring us some discomfort and it is normal because Isaac also mixed fear with faith, an impossible combination which we have to avoid and this as an example of the same weakness in his father but the days to come showed him wrong of his fear because the Bible tells us that Isaac sowed and reaped which shows the faithfulness of God in response to Isaac obeying not leaving for Egypt because his gaze was on the God of heaven who is our hope in the midst of all this crisis that we live today

Israel was experiencing one of the strongest crisis of all time and there was famine in the land. This crisis was used by God to bless Isaacc who was prospered working diligently to preserve his inheritance and to bless others. God did not leave them stranded in the crisis. no, he brought them out of the crisis and blessed him greatly

Message made for the HeartChurch community.

(Bibliography consulted: Biblical commentaries of the Bible in fullness. Queen valera)


Truly his strength is able to carry us through provided we just trust his plans..