End-time survival!

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Life has changed us all in this last year that we are living suddenly everything became different and we are obliged to reinvent ourselves a series of tools in order to continue fighting in the midst of the current situation.

Currently, the presidents of the nations, entrepreneurs, parents, educational sports institutions, etc. are looking for the ways and the necessary tools to apply them, everyone is looking or thinking about survival in order to preserve them in times of pandemic.

However, it is remarkable that in the midst of all this tribulation there is a different people who think differently and act differently from how others act, a people who have understood what is written in the book of John specifically in the verse quoted

John 15: 5
5 I am the vine, you are the branches; He who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; because apart from me you can do nothing.

It is proven in the Bible that man without God can do nothing even if they strive to achieve their goals because Christians live focused on Christ and we also seize valuable tools for this difficult time we live in and this is the direction of God through of prayer because we have understood that the key to survive and have victory in this end time is prayer since the Bible clearly says "I am the vine and you are the pampas and separated from me you can do nothing"

Dear brothers and friends, today we are living a very difficult time where we really need a lot of God to survive this nightmare that this pandemic has become, together with various situations that also adversely affect us at this time.

We need God to be able to survive in the coming times. We need His direction. We need His love, grace and mercy to be able to have strength in the face of adversity. We need to be attached to the Lord. who has all the solution to our adversities and problems.

Remember that it is impossible to live on this earth without God since apart from him we can do nothing


Certainly alienated from God, man is impotent, since all grace and mercy come from Him. Excellent reflections @ricci01.

We need God to survive

Amen @ tomas.enrique, greetings