Psalm 126: 5 and 6
Those who sowed with tears will reap with joy. He who bears the precious seed will walk and cry; but he will return with rejoicing, bringing the sheaves »
This verse has really been a divine inspiration for all those people who have their eyes fixed on God and who have gone through the different adversities of life but with a living hope, reverence God before his attributes, nature and power at all times including before any difficult scenario
Although this psalm is directed at the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity after 70 years of exile, it also expresses the joy that a person can have who trusts in God in the middle of the difficult process but who keeps on sowing, worshiping, thanking and above all worshiping. to God even crying because he has understood that God's purpose is not that we stay parked in pain in sadness in crying and not react but that we can do all these things but hopefully we have an end that is not the present which will motivate us to continue sowing and worshiping a God who is real and fulfills his promises.
No matter what process you are going through, do not stop, continue sowing in your actions and in your biblical principles that faithful is the one who has promised and will give us victory at the end of the process
Worship the Lord with all your heart, worship through words, gestures, your actions surrender all your will to God no matter what you are going through because God will wipe every tear from our eyes with justice, mercy and grace.