The Covid-19 does not have to stop the church!

in HeartChurch5 years ago

John 4:23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; because the Father also such worshipers seeks to be worshiped.


In strong moments and suffocating situations the church cannot stop, because of course it is in the word that the tests are coming and we have to stand firm like a palm tree in the desert!

The clock of life continues to dictate the hours, and the time has come to worship, but from our homes, sadly, the pandemic has prevented all of us from meeting in the temple, but all this cannot silence us, quite the contrary, we are going to demonstrate that no matter the place, the circumstance, the moment or the confinement, we can raise our voices, cry out, adore and intercede.


Currently our homes have become our temples, our house of prayer and our refuge, we cannot be discouraged now, we must go ahead, because God is in control of everything and he knows what will happen later, so let us trust and not stop the service to God, or blessings!