in HeartChurch3 years ago


In 2 Corinthians 12:7 Paul said that in order for him not to be exalted above measure due to the abundance of the revelations he received from Jesus Christ, he was given a thorn in the flesh.

What is this thorn in the flesh? Some people have misconstrued Paul's thorn in the flesh to mean sickness. But that is incorrect.

In the same passage, Paul mentioned this thorn in the flesh to be the messenger of Satan that buffeted him to keep him from being exalted above measure.

There are key points to keep in view while trying to point out what the thorn in Paul's flesh was. What are they:

  1. Abundance of revelations
  2. Messenger of Satan
  3. Exalted above measure

Now, let's begin.

Paul mentioned that he received abundance of revelations. That is very correct. Most of the epistles to the church were direct revelations from Jesus Christ.

The epistles were letters of commentary on the words of Jesus and the Old Testament section of the Bible.

The letters were updates on the progressive revelation of God's dealings with the church. Most of these letters came through Paul to us.

In fact, it is being said that Paul actually spoke what Jesus would have said to the church if he were to be physically present.

In Ephesians 3, Paul stated that he received mysteries that were never revealed to anyone in the past. But he was graciously chosen to speak these mysteries of Christ which he received by direct revelation.

So based on these revelations he received, he said there was given him a thorn in the flesh. What's this thorn?

He said it's a messenger of Satan!

Who is this messenger of Satan? The messenger of Satan is actually a demon spirit! This demon spirit was a thorn on Paul's flesh!

"Thorn in the flesh" is a phrase used to explain something that causes stress or irritation.

So in essence, Paul was saying that this demon spirit that was assigned by Satan to handle his matter because of the revelations he received from Jesus Christ distressed him!


The demon spirit was responsible for all the imprisonment and charges on blasphemy that Paul faced. He created problems for Paul everywhere he went to.

Actually, most of Paul's writings to the church were from his detention cell. He wrote as a prisoner because the demon spirit who is the messenger of Satan buffeted him always to keep him from speaking the mysteries of Christ that he was graciously given.

But Paul kept on speaking despite his ordeals!

According to Paul, he said he thrice sought the Lord to make the demon spirit to depart from him. But God told him, "My grace is sufficient for you."

In other words, God told Paul that his grace is sufficient against any danger and would enable him to bear the troubles manfully!


The revelations Paul received from Jesus Christ were preeminent and enough to make him puffed up and overexcited.

So in the demon spirit's calculation to create troubles for Paul in order to discourage him from speaking forth the mysteries to the church, God also used their evil to work out a good intent that kept Paul in good spiritual shape for more depths! That is why Paul wasn't proud.

All things work together for our good!

God bless you.