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My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Psalm 22:1)
Is it a sin to be angry with God? It's normal to sometimes feel anger at God. Just don't stay there.
Have you ever gotten angry with God when you or someone you love goes through hard times? If so, you aren't alone. In fact, many people get angry with God from time to time.
People who get mad at God often feel guilty about their anger and think their anger makes God angry with them. Their guilt sometimes drives them onto feeling condemned or distant from God.
This bible study on anger with God is meant to put us in the right perspectives when we find ourselves in this situation. The first part gives a simple outline to follow, along with four questions to get group discussions going. The next part consists of discussion points.
- Read the following passages.
• Psalm 22 (verses 1-6 and 22-31).
• Psalm 13:1-6).
• Psalm 35:17-18).
• Psalm 42:9-11
- Small group discussion questions about anger with God.
• What part of these passages spoke to you the most? Why?
• What do you think about David complaining so openly to God?
• How did David (the person who wrote these Psalms) conclude his complaint? Why do you think he ended it this way?
• What did you learn from this study?
- Key points about being angry with God.
• One thing I appreciate about God is that I can be real with him. If I am angry with God, I can be honest about it instead of thinking I must hide it or act "religious." I know this by reading in the Psalms about times when David openly expressed anger or frustration with God.
• Although it's a normal thing to do, it’s a shame when we get angry with God, for he is our best friend. Yet since we are people, it happens.
• What’s both interesting and encouraging to me is that almost every time David expressed complaints toward God, he ended up praising God. That’s a good resolution to our anger. (Notice that in verses 1-6 of Psalm 22, David voices his complaint. Yet in verses 22-31, he praises God.)
• It’s just the same with our (human) friends. We get angry with them at times, yet in the end we turn back to them since we love them and we know they love us.
• I'm not saying it's a good thing to get angry with God. When I do, I am showing how little I understand his love, his goodness, and his purpose. I need to face my anger and deal with it, as David did.
• Plus, the better I know God, and the longer I walk with him, the less likely I will be angry with him. But, if I do get angry, I am glad he understands and helps me come to a place of repentance.
- End with prayer.

Courtesy: www.wow4u.com
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