in HeartChurch3 years ago

Captura de pantalla (1486).png



En aquel tiempo, el profeta Jeremías tenía que estar dispuesto a hablar palabra que Dios le ordenara, contra todo el pueblo judío. Se había apartado de Dios y ahora tendría el juicio de Dios, los reyes, sacerdotes y el pueblo se opondría a Jeremías, pero Dios le garantizaba a Jeremías que no iba a ser vencido, porque Dios mismo estaría con él.
Por eso la reflexión de hoy la he titulado: “VICTORIA ASEGURADA”, veamos lo que nos dice la Palabra de Dios.

Y pelearán contra ti, pero no te vencerán; porque yo estoy contigo, dice Jehová, para librarte.

Jeremías 1:19.

Tener a los reyes, sacerdotes y el pueblo en contra no era excusa para que Jeremías se quedara callado. Dios le promete que estará con él y no le vencerán.

Aunque no quieras pelear el enemigo vendrá contra ti, y te hará la guerra para que pelees contra él. Dios nos advierte que tenemos esta lucha constante, pero también nos garantiza que estará con nosotros y que tendremos la victoria.

Jeremías tenía a los gobernantes, sacerdotes y todo un pueblo contra él, pero no podía quedar callado, tenía que profetizar Palabra de Dios contra el pueblo. Muchas veces se presentan luchas y peleas con el enemigo, pero debemos confiar que Dios está con nosotros y nos dará la victoria.

Dios no te promete que no tendrás pelea, lo que promete es que estará contigo y te dará la victoria, a pesar de todo lo que puedas pasar.

Hoy el llamado es a confiar en Dios en medio de las luchas y peleas que tengas con el enemigo, porque tu compañero será Dios y te dará la victoria.

Dios te bendiga


Captura de pantalla (1487).png


At that time, the prophet Jeremiah had to be willing to speak a word that God commanded him, against all the Jewish people. He had turned away from God and now he would have the judgment of God, the kings, priests and the people would oppose Jeremiah, but God guaranteed Jeremiah that he would not be defeated, because God himself would be with him.
That is why I have entitled today's reflection: "VICTORY ASSURED", let's see what the Word of God tells us.

And they will fight against you, but they will not defeat you; because I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you.

Jeremiah 1:19.

Having the kings, priests and the people against it was no excuse for Jeremiah to remain silent. God promises him that he will be with him and they will not defeat him.

Even if you don't want to fight, the enemy will come against you, and will make war on you so that you fight against him. God warns us that we have this constant struggle, but He also guarantees that He will be with us and that we will have victory.

Jeremiah had the rulers, priests and a whole people against him, but he could not remain silent, he had to prophesy the Word of God against the people. Many times there are fights and fights with the enemy, but we must trust that God is with us and will give us victory.

God does not promise you that you will not have a fight, what he promises is that he will be with you and give you the victory, despite everything you may go through.

Today the call is to trust God in the midst of the struggles and fights you have with the enemy, because your partner will be God and will give you victory.

God bless you

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