Greetings to all the friends and brothers of the HeartChurch International Ministry, under the direction of our leaders @sirknight and @darlenys01.
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In celebration of “Father's Day”, I had the great privilege of holding a “Family Altar” in my home in order to honor some parents from both the local church and the HeartChurch Cantaura Ministry. In which the brothers were present: @elpastor, @mamidalia, @dali13, @carlis20, @ennimariana, @elisonr13, my wife @carmentita and several friends from the community.
In the development of our "Family Altar" a prayer chain was made for the situation that our country is going through in Venezuela and for humanity in general. We also pray for all parents present and for the local church and HeartChurch Ministry. My brother @elpastor led the prayer chain.
The activity was a great joy both for the family and for the neighbors who were invited.
At the end of the activity we shared with the parents and all the guests.
The next "Family Altar" was scheduled for Monday 06/29/2020, where we will invite other friends from the community and share the word of God and the birthday celebration of several brothers of the HeartChurch Cantaura Ministry.