Life has a background that goes beyond what we can see and perceive through the human senses. Life is hidden in Christ, in whom we develop our dreams of hope and eternal life. In Christ we have been reborn for a living hope.
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Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy caused us to be reborn for a living hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1: 3-5 New King James Version (RVR1960)
While it is true, in the world we walked without God and without hope, we were dead because of sin and destitute of the glory of God. However, by the word we now read, he says, that "by the great mercies of God, we have been reborn for a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
The mercies of God are many and abundant, that expressing his love for humanity, he gave the life of his Son Jesus Christ in propitiation of our sins, and by that great love in Christ, he has given us a new hope of life, in which It is guaranteed that in the resurrection of Christ, we will also be resurrected to eternal life. This is our hope in Christ, that we will have together with Him, an endless and incorruptible life. Therefore, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, because our living hope is above all the difficulties and adversities that we have to face, be it hunger or persecution. The important thing of all is that we must remain confidently waiting on God's promises and not allow ourselves to be carried away by the world crises and chaos that our people are looking at.
We must walk confidently with our hope alive that we can do everything in Christ, who gives us enough strength to withstand the storms of life that we are currently suffering.
God says that in Christ we have been reborn for living hope. We must believe it and treasure our hope in God's promises.