in HeartChurch5 years ago



The rending of garments in Israel was a sign of remorse whenever men discovered they had erred against God. When during the reign of Josiah as king of Judah; the book of the law was found and read to the King, it was discovered that they had greatly departed from the commandment and ordinances of God and the King rend his clothes in repentance (2 Kings 22:11).

This action by the King attracted God’s mercy and the Lord preserved him from seeing the evil that was earmarked against Judah. The rending of clothes was symbolic of the state of the heart in the acknowledgement of sin and repentance from sin. Today, however; God seeks for men to rend their hearts and not their garments.

There should be genuine godly sorrow over wrong doing. Many today are so comfortable in sin. There are many who sin intentionally while proclaiming their readiness to confess afterwards. What an eye sore! Be not deceived, God cannot be mocked. The rending of the heart speaks of the tenderness and humility of the heart towards God.

Many have become hardened in sin and they have become habitual customers to sin. They confess sin so swiftly as a mouth thing, but their hearts never get humbled before God in turning away from sin. Such is an example of those who rend their garments and not their hearts.

The rending of heart is the brokenness of the heart when a wrong is done and the resolve from the heart to turn away completely from wrong doing. It is a heart overwhelmed by the love of God. A heart that cannot stand the slightest wrong done against God; be it in speech, in thought or conduct and is grieved and ready to turn away. It is a broken and a contrite heart which God cannot despise. Oh for men that will mourn over sin and refuse to be pacified by any form of excuse or logic, other than true repentance and the comfort of the Scriptures.