He will not let it overcome us

in HeartChurch5 years ago

Mark 4:37-39; And there arose a great storm of wind and the wave beat the ship so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on a pillow: and they awake him and say unto him, master do you not care that we perish? And He arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the seas, peace be still. and the wind ceased and the there was great calm.


It so happened that after Jesus had taught the multitude and has set them away, he and his disciples were on their way to the other side of the sea when a great storm hit them. Now initially the disciples tried their best to control the situation because most of them were skilled in fishing and they had knowledge about the sea and surviving storms however it got to the point where they felt they were losing control and did not know what to do anymore. So the reached out to the owner of the sea and the sea responded accordingly. And it was even just by a word, how powerful is that?


The bible has made us understand that he will not allow trials and temptations we cannot overcome to come our way because it is not his desire to see us fail, however when we feel overwhelmed, when we feel lost, when we feel out of control and do not know what to do, we ought to always go to the creator. The source of all knowledge and power. As we have Christ as our friend, as our father, as our God, he will not allow the storm of life to overcome us. Call on him and ye shall be saved. Always remember that with Christ in the vessel we will surely smile at the storm.



Thank you for reminding us of His promises that the water and the waves wont consume us. God bless you in Jesus name, amen.

Amen, thanks for reading @bishopntuk