From Death To Life

in HeartChurch6 months ago

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Everlasting life and freedom from condemnation is the will of God for all. From Jesus' message today, these are obtainable by simply obeying Christ and trusting in the Almighty God.

We secure eternity with Christ while on earth by our decision to abide in Christ. Although the world system makes it look difficult, but it is quite simple.

It is more difficult to live in sin than living in holiness. Imagine the stress of lusting after material things and sexual sins. Imagine the stress of envy, malice and evil thoughts with the health implications.

Today, Jesus says there's a better way. A live that guarantee peace and long life, an everlasting life and justification before God.

Christ is the only way, let us pass from death to life by simply abiding in His word. His word is life, peace, joy and eternity of bliss.

Let's pray together.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege to be justified and live forever. Please help us to abide in Christ forever and never be entangled with the joke of sin again, in Jesus name. Amen.