in HeartChurch4 years ago


Proverbs 18:16 A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

God makes and opens door for us. A door in simple term is an opportunity for greater success. When Joseph was brought by Potiphar,a door was opened to him.When Esther was chosen to be part of the beauty pageant it was a door that opened.And when Joseph was brought in before Pharaoh a door was opened for him that day. God opened a door for David and he got an appointment with the King Saul to be his armour bearer.
Meanwhile, there were things that some of these people did as a one time action or even as their lifestyle for things to open up to them they way they did. Here are a few ways you can create or open up your own doors and Joseph will be our case study.
•There was nothing like prime minister designation in Egypt but Joseph's arrival created that position.
How did it happen
He kept being a blessing and doing good. He hated evil and loved righteous practices. He never joined his brothers to dupe their father.
•Joseph also loved to take charge of things wherever he found himself. He didn't wait to be told what to do,he did things within and even outside his scope of work.
•He used his gift to help people. The butler and baker did not ask for his help,he was the one who asked to help them because he saw they were sad. He was willing to do all within his power to be of help and he did. He did good to all men wherever he found them.
•He turned down evil opportunity. He was willing to lose his job if Mrs Potiphar insisted on the unrighteous demands that she made of him.These were the things that didn't just open doors for Joseph but also created doors were there were none.
Thanks for reading
Hope it has blessed you