in HeartChurch4 years ago


Acts 13:36 For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption:

Service to God and man should be seen as a divine call and privilege,not as punishment or slavery. Every person was created by God with the capacity and call to serve.Life is about contribution,not consumption. The value of your life is determine by what you give out and not what you keep back. Increase in life answers to impact.
God created man and put him in the garden of Eden with a divine mandate to dress it and keep it.

Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

The garden of Eden was not just an accommodation,it was also an occupation.


Your place of service is your place of blessing. Your occupation affects your allocation in life.The service you are willing to render sets the pace for the blessings you are qualified to encounter.
In every place there are prevalent and pressing needs,the man who identifies one and renders a consistent, reliable and qualitative service to meet it will make fortune.
Live to render service not making a living.Reject every life of idleness, laziness and indolence. Celebrate every opportunity to serve so you can rise to the top. In your journey to the top don't look for short cuts or benefits without labour. Faithfully pay your dues and you will get ahead,all who wish to rise to the top in life must never shrink back from service and labour.
David was ready to risk his life for an ordinary sheep and God rewarded him by making him an extra ordinary king.
You cannot serve faithfully and escape abundant reward from God.David faithfully served his generation and till today the impact of his service is still being felt.Make up your mind today to offer faithful service to God and mankind.