in HeartChurch5 years ago (edited)



Gal.5.13 - For you have been called to live in freedom--not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love.

Part of the call of love is service.
A lot of people are looking for who to serve them, and not what they can do for others.
One of the assignments of love/marriage is rendering service.
In true love, we should serve one another.

One of the challenges people face in life is character problem/attitude, and not that they're being hounded by demons and devils.
We must not use our freedom to occasion a pitfall for another person.

Three Levels Of Service In Love

  1. Love serves God

Deut.10.12 - "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you? He requires you to fear him, to live according to his will, to love and worship him with all your heart and soul,

  1. Serve God together.

Deut.18.19 - I will personally deal with anyone who will not listen to the messages the prophet proclaims on my behalf.

2Sam.6.16 - But as the Ark of the LORD entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, she was filled with contempt for him.

2Sam.6.20 - When David returned home to bless his family, Michal came out to meet him and said in disgust, "How glorious the king of Israel looked today! He exposed himself to the servant girls like any indecent person might do!"
2Sam.6.21 - David retorted to Michal, "I was dancing before the LORD, who chose me above your father and his family! He appointed me as the leader of Israel, the people of the LORD. So I am willing to act like a fool in order to show my joy in the LORD.
2Sam.6.22 - Yes, and I am willing to look even more foolish than this, but I will be held in honor by the girls of whom you have spoken!"
2Sam.6.23 - So Michal, the daughter of Saul, remained childless throughout her life.

David was excited in serving God but instead of joining him, Michal despised him.
We must use whatever God has given us to serve Him.

  1. Serve one another.



What It Means To Serve And How We Can Serve;

  1. To render assistance regularly,

  2. To supply a need consistently,

  3. To be available to help continuously,

  4. To perform specific and specified duties,

  5. To function or fulfill the demands placed on one by virtue of their position,

  6. To provide and distribute needed supplies,

  7. To care for the welfare and wellbeing of one another,

  8. To attend to the concerns of another,

  9. To handle problems and matters on behalf of another,

  10. To nurse a person back to health and strength.

How We Can Serve God Together;

  1. By participating in ministry opportunities together in the house of God and in the neighborhood/community.

  2. By having a family altar where we share with and exhort each other, thereby sharpening each other's spiritual lives.

We must have a time where we meet to share and encourage our potentials.

  1. By inspiring and encouraging others to get involved in the things of God.

  2. By showing Christlike love and character to one another.

1Cor.13.4 - Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud
1Cor.13.5 - or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged.
1Cor.13.6 - It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
1Cor.13.7 - Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Love doesn't give up, its not proud.
That one is the head of the home does not mean he has the right to behave unseemly.
Serving God together means treating each other the way its stipulated by God's Word.

Love's ways are ever fair.
Love does not rejoice at injustice or another person's downfall.
Love has faith and hopes in all things.

Its important that we submit one to another because marriage is a one another thing because and not a one way street.

  1. By praying and interceding for one another in our quiet time

  2. By taking up projects and funding it together.

  3. By sharing wisdom and counsel together,

The kind of knowledge that improves and adds value to one another.

  1. By speaking often about serving God to each other.

Mal.3.16 - Then those who feared the LORD spoke with each other, and the LORD listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and loved to think about him.

  1. By helping each other to overcome hindrances in serving God.

  2. By seeking solutions that will advance God's kingdom.
    Many people see problems, very few see solutions.

How To Serve One Another;


  1. Be available for one another.
    No matter who we are, what we do and what we have in life, if we're not available, it makes no meaning on the whole.

  2. Be dutiful.
    For The Wives;
    Cook good meals for your husband,
    Speak kindly to him,
    Counsel him right,
    Be interested in the little things that concern him,
    Answer him kindly and don't be rude.

For The Husbands;
Provide for your house
Protect your home
Promote your wife's projects
Who a husband praises matters
Pamper your spouse
Provide leadership/ initiative

  1. Be sensitive to the needs/moods of each other.

Its not a good time to nag or be demanding when one is going through a crisis.

  1. Listen/be attentive to one another.

Every human being needs appreciation.

  1. Be supportive in your spouse's projects.

  2. Ask questions on what you can do for the other person.

  3. Be kind

  4. Be patient
    Give your spouse time and the benefit of doubt.
    Be considerate.
    Ask about the welfare of your spouse.

  5. Plan a surprise vacation for your spouse.

  6. Be humble.

  7. Be reliable, dependable.

Honor your words and even when you can't go all the way, go half the way.

  1. Be sacrificial

Stop reminding your spouse of yesterday's flaws and failures,on the other hand, spouses should stop repeating same flaws and failures Because The frequency of repetition cancels the impact of harmony.

Be interested in the welfare of your spouse
Be kind, supportive, serve your spouse.
When you serve your spouse you're serving yourself because the two shall become one.

Forgive your spouse.


  1. To be able to serve your spouse, you must have a heart's disposition to know you're in that person's life to make it better.

  2. Look out for little things you can do to lighten their load,

Acknowledge room for improvement.

  1. Never allow anything make you withhold what you can offer your spouse,

When you serve your spouse, you're obeying the call of God,

When you serve your spouse, you're setting a good and Godly example worthy of emulation.

You can never end empty handed when you serve your spouse.

Our families are healed,

Sicknesses are healed,

The singles have and maintain good and Godly relationships,

Our families are blessed,


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