in HeartChurch5 years ago

Liberation is, in general, the action of releasing more specifically, it can refer to: Independence, emancipation, etc.

Release. According to the biblical dictionary it is the action and effect of obtaining freedom in some way. It involves the removal of some bondage or oppression. ... The fight against evil and the desire to take advantage of the freedom that Christ brought to his followers is the essence of what the evangelical text calls "Kingdom of God".
In this order of ideas, liberation, as expressed by both definitions, is essentially obtaining freedom generally in all areas of life.

However, not all people receive this true freedom since many people today are slaves to their own "freedom" and have come to use liberation as part of their spiritual ruin that undoubtedly harms their physical lives.

Currently many people long for freedom but do not know how to find it because they look for it in delight. However, liberation can come through genuine repentance, but there are many people who seek and cry out to God when calamity strikes.

Psalms 107: 19-20
19 But they cried out to Jehovah in their distress,
And delivered them from their afflictions.
20 He sent his word, and healed them,
And delivered them from their ruin.
(King James Version)


storms or adversities come to us all sudden difficulties or severe illness can reach us due to our conscious or unconscious spiritual decline

However this verse teaches us that if we seek our healer with a sincere and repentant heart and cry out for deliverance the storms can be disrupted and we will receive both physical and spiritual healing

God hears when we cry out to him with a sincere heart and when we do he brings us out of ruin and heals us with his word to give us true freedom