in HeartChurch5 years ago

Many people today live with heavy sick burdens and without illusions or dreams due to the lack of forgiveness since they do not realize that forgiveness is necessary in human life in order to live in freedom and heal many wounds that do not allow the person to live. with freedom and enthusiasm.

God's call to humanity is that we tolerate one another and that we learn to forgive each other just as He also forgives us.

Colossians 3:13
So tolerate one another and forgive each other if one has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord forgave you, forgive you too.


The first step to forgive is to acknowledge your resentment against the enemy because if you do not identify what is the cause of your resentment in order to forgive the resentment it will be greater and you will not be able to get out of this oppression because certainly unforgiveness is an oppression.

That is why you must identify the enemy and what he has done to hurt you then you must decide to forgive just as Jesus forgives our offenses.
The world says that forgiveness is impossible but God tells us that it is possible and we can certainly forgive when God's love is poured into our hearts.

Ephesians 4:32
Rather, be kind and compassionate to one another, and forgive each other, just as God forgave you in Christ.

The world says that we cannot forgive our enemies nor should we wish them good things but God tells us to pray for our enemies and that doing so will help us to love them because God's love has been poured into our hearts.

When you pray for your enemies, you ask God to appear before them and fill their needs, you are conquering evil with good and you are forgiving it.

It is important to love our enemies and forgive them and instead of filling your mind with negative thoughts feed it with positive thoughts about God's love for that person because if you ask God to bless someone who has hurt you from the heart, the result will be a sinner. repentant and a new person in the Lord since you have shown with your attitude that only with God in the heart can we forgive and make all things new.

When you learn to forgive you free yourself from all those bad energies and you learn to love life with freedom and joy.