You are the better version of yourself.

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)


Life is all about CHIOCE!
The choices we make on daily basis are inseparable from the results we get afterwards.

However, decisions are necessary evil because you can't avoid not taking decisions every second of your life and those decisions can either be a stepping stone for greatness or a stubbing block for either your stagnation or your down fall.

God created us with a will power to decide our directions eventhough he predestinated our lives.

Deuteronomy 30: 19
I call on heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before your life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live...

You can't live without the results of your choices and you can only be the best of yourself if you choose wisely.
The will power gives you varieties of choices to make at every point in time but not all choices yield positive results.
Little wonder Proverbs 14:12 says, "there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it are the ways of death."

This is why what you say to yourself and do for yourself are more powerful than what anyone around you can do or say to you.
Someone once said, you can't choose whether to be born poor or rich but you can choose whether to remain poor or remain rich.

Nobody can live your life for you no matter how much they may love you and try to influence you. If you don't choose to align with their good intentions you're bound to remain where you are. You are the better version of yourself because you are your gold mine.

Success in life is beyond just trying to live right but making the best of decisions.
You must have heard people say, I've tried all I can, but nothing is working.
But I can tell you they've not tried all yet, there's still a knowledge gap.

I am certain majority of us must have treded this path. Yes, I know.
That point when you think you've exhausted all possible options but the truth is, you're only a victim of what you don't know. Nobody will ever have a solution to a problem and still choose to dwell in pains.

Aside from time factor, the results of our lives are a multiplying effects of our decisions. Decision is the foundation for actions because if you don't decide how will you act?
You should be familiar with the story of the four Lepers in 2Kings 7:3-4
"Why sit here till we die?"
It was their choose to sit one place and die of hunger and it was also their choice to move to the camp of the Syrians and discover the abundance of food there.

Every soul on earth has a gold mine inside of them but the utilisation of the abundance on the inside is embedded in the decisions taken. You can't choose to head right but you're going left.

You are who you are by the decisions you make!
You are who you are by the actions you take to back your decisions!
You are who you are by the fruits yielded by your actions!

Life purposefully!
Be intentional!
Choose wisely!



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