Blessed is he who you choose and attract to you,
So that he may dwell in your courts;
We will be satisfied with the good of your house,
Of your holy temple. Psalm 65: 4 King James Version (KJV)
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One day you and I find ourselves in the world without Christ and without hope, completely devoid of the glory of God. If, sadly, we had died as sinners in the world, we would be in a place that I would not like to describe, that the Bible says exists.
God in his love and mercy, had already prepared before the creation of the world, the lamb with which he would redeem man from his sins. However, the reality is that not all men serve God, but the curious thing is that you and I find ourselves worshiping God, because the Lord has been pleased that those redeemed with the blood of Christ are his children.
This fills me with joy, knowing that God chose me before the foundation of the world so that I could dwell in his temple and worship and worship him.
It is not about who wants, but who God is pleased with. Therefore, we must always thank God for choosing us as his beloved children to praise. It is wonderful to know how blessed is the man that God chooses and makes him dwell in his temple and fills it with the fat of his word, love, peace, joy and grace.
We must value our status as children of God and be continually grateful for his love with which he chose us to serve him.