I can say that my family is the most beautiful and the most important in the world. You will of course say the same of your family.
Every family is the guarantor of a very special surname that makes one feel important when we hear our surnames. In the cases of living in a relevant sector of society, our surname sounds like a jewel of high value, which increases the self-esteem of any person. However, for the kingdom of God, what you are socially is not what God cares about.
God is not interested in having your surname sound in society as a trumpet of respect, what God is most interested in is that your family identify you when you hear about the word of the kingdom.
Jesus highlighted the great characteristic of what it truly represents to be part of God's family when he said:
19 Then his mother and brothers came to him; but they could not reach him because of the crowd. 20 And he was warned, saying: Your mother and your brothers are outside and want to see you. 21 He then answering said to them: My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God, and do it. Luke 8: 19-21
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When they told Jesus that his mother and his blood brothers were looking for him, the Lord responded immediately, and said that everyone who hears the word of God and does it, becomes his true family.
The family of God is linked to the word of God and its application in our lives. With this I do not want to downplay the natural family, but rather that every natural family must seek spiritual birth, to have a closer relationship with God and become a true example for society.
When the natural family is transformed by the power of God through Christ, the word of God becomes for the natural family a powerful shield of protection, where it will receive the true principles and values to transform society, into a place of hope. , Life and love.