I can do everything in Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 King James Version (KJV)
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I remember my days as a teenager, I was finishing my high school degree, I was not a very excited person to study, however, I wanted to successfully complete my career. Numerous obstacles arose, yet at each barrier, my confidence was centered on the love of God.
I also have to declare that I was not a Christian very given to the holy and sacred things of God, but I trusted that I was under the promises that God made to my parents, who served with all their hearts.
I acknowledge that the Lord helped me complete my high school degree and I was able to graduate. I experienced one more victory, which the Lord gave to my life. Then I had to enter the university and the multitudes of difficulties were amazing, there I learned more about my relationship with God. He needed a lot from the Lord, he needed the strength and wisdom of God to overcome the war of disorderly passions that exists in the life of a university student. Thank God, who with his power and wisdom helped me overcome the difficulties in my university career and I graduated.
Then I had to face the panorama of getting a job, things were not easy, but not difficult for God either. Although considerable time passed, the Lord helped my father who worked in Petróleos de Venezuela and managed to have my documents considered for a vacancy at PDVSA. God again gave me another victory. This encouraged me to keep going and to trust the Lord.
As soon as I started working, the Lord continued to strengthen and help me, and He gave me my home, He helped me with my marriage and today I have a beautiful family with two children.
The economic crisis that occurred in my country and then the world disaster, I continue to trust that "I can do everything in Christ to overcome the difficulties of the present time and wait for the glorious times of God's presence."