I want to wish you the best week of your life regardless of the condition you are in if you are a mom you'll be you are the best mom in the world if you are a dad May you be the best dad of all if you are a teenage boy or girl or young man who can learn the best values in life if you are a dreamer God help you to materialize your dreams if you are going through the worst moments of your life I want to bless you and wish you May God lift you up and help you continue I just
¡Happy and blessed week!
want you to have the best week in the world that you can feel the peace, grace and mercy of God in your days and I also want to share with all the following verses:
Philippians 4: 6
6 Be anxious for nothing, but let your requests be known before God in all prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.
(King James Version)
The word "beg" is more than a request, it suggests a special intensity in prayer that extends to transfer all the weight of what is in our souls to the hands of God.
I wish that you can appropriate this verse and you can apply it as a way of life because if you follow this advice the peace of God will guard your heart since the following verse affirms it in the following way:
7 And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
King James Version
Brothers and friends who trust in Jesus Christ instead of tormenting themselves with their problems will experience that the peace of God will free them from the overwhelming anxiety of the uncertainty of pain and sadness.
I bless you and I wish you have a happy and blessed week in the hands and presence of God.
Have the best week of all your days!