in HeartChurch4 years ago

I do not know if it has happened to you, but it happens to me sometimes, we place our hope in someone and that person disappoints us, many friends have promised me moons and stars, love, company and that they will not leave you, but on the way back they do just the opposite.


Remember the story where Peter denied Jesus? Jesus let it happen because Peter had confidence in himself, and not in God, that is why he had to be sanitized, Jesus returned to him after this process and restored it, he did not reject it because of his error, so we must be, all of us Those people who go through our lives and do not meet our expectations must understand that everything works for our good. The only one who does not fail, who is faithful is Jesus.

Psalms 146: 3
Do not trust princes, nor the son of man in whom there is no salvation.

It is difficult, even painful, to accept that the person in whom you put trust simply forgot, forgot their promises, betrayed you, however in the scriptures we have many examples of this, and it is not to keep in mind that these things happen to us, it is for remind us that our gaze, trust is not in man is in God.

Things are God's way, we always give thanks in any situation, he knows what is best for us.
We must rely on the Lord's forces, not ours.

Psalm 20: 7: These rely on chariots, and those on horses; but we of the name of the Lord our God will have memory.

Psalm 84: 5a, 7a: Blessed is the man who has His strength in You. 7 They will go from power to power.

Psalm 105: 4: Seek the Lord and His power; always seek His face.

Psalm 118: 8: It is better to trust the Lord than to trust man.

Zechariah 4: 6b: Not with an army, nor with force, but with My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.





Man's total dependence should be on God