in HeartChurch5 years ago

I have placed this message: that hospital called church, I have heard there say ... "the Christian army is the only one that when someone falls, he ends up sinking" ... this way of expressing himself and the common of the temples, also observing some of the brothers who have diminished in their faith, who have made mistakes, called me to the reflection and self-evaluation of our role in society.

Edited image

The church is supposed to be made up of us, finite men, women, mortals and sinners who have recognized that Jesus is the savior of the world and that through him we have redemption and access to the throne of grace, as well as the people of an area Professional meet to share knowledge, experiences, so Christians meet in the temple to be edified with each other, the time comes when we believe that just by attending the temple we are super spiritual, we forget grace and begin to be the judges of our neighbors, a concept more wrong than this, a symbol of religion and legalism, mental paradigms imposed by men.

In this regard Jesus said:

Mark 2:16-17
… 16 Seeing the scribes of the Pharisees that He ate with sinners and tax collectors, they said to his disciples: Why does He eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners? 17Hearing this, Jesus said to them: Those who are healthy do not need a doctor, but those who are sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

When one of our brothers falls into visible errors, the Pharisees begin to say go to this Christian, surely that was because of the sin that became ill, or it is a punishment from God, or such a spirit took it and it begins to make judgment of all kinds , it is in this context where God asks:
If you have a child, and that child does evil, do you stop loving him? Would you stop saving him, would you give everything for him? I think that most of us would say that above all things we would remain faithful to the love for our children, and if we being bad can give good things, how much more God?

We must understand that temples are nothing more than hospitals at the service of others and we are servants and servants, it is a constant feedback and we do not know at what moment we can touch being on the fallen side, and another will lift us.

We must be aligned as the traditional army, ready to save our brother and give his life if possible for them, do not let anyone accuse him because we have a lawyer in heaven for the appropriate help, how many souls have gone, have moved away of God because of our wrongdoing?
It is time to leave as the good shepherd in search of that sheep that is lost, that is the mandate of Jesus that we love each other, love without measure, without limitations.

In conventional hospitals we observe that there is a specialist according to the patient's need, in the same way it happens in the churches each area has a specialist and God uses us according to the gifts and talents we have, if you have never been processed in Certain areas, passed through the school and the potter's wheel will not be prepared to handle any case, yes, gentlemen, the school of God is that which forms you in such a way that your life becomes used to lift others.

We are instruments of Adoration and we came to this land to show the works of the one who called us in his admirable light, loving is the best way to serve !!

Our family, neighbor, community, partners await us, begin to heal wounds in the hospital called church.





I used to work with The Salvation Army and their ministry is like a hospital for many people indeed, a heart to God and a hand to man.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

My name is Jesus Christ and I do not condone this spamming in my name. Your spam is really fucking annoying @hiroyamagishi aka @overall-servant aka @olaf123 and your spam-bot army. This is not what my father, God, created the universe for. You must stop spamming immediately or I will make sure that you go to hell.

If anybody wants to support my eternal battling of these relentless religion spammers, please consider upvoting this comment or delegating to @the-real-jesus