Happy day HIVE community:
Although the conditions have changed a bit, we have the opportunity to celebrate Mother's Day, this time from our hearts, quarantine allows us to be spiritually close to our loved ones.Within human values, the most excellent are those that define the profile of a mother.The most sublime feature of nature belongs to the mother: the woman is the bearer of life, only she has this privilege. That is why, together with this ability to generate, it has been granted a package of virtues, values and skills that support, assist and strengthen it to fully perform its laudable function.
Thankful to God for the life of my mother who has given me the greatest instruction and teaching that we can have and that of love, love of God and love of our fellow men. We know that this is a commemorative day but it is honored by our parents. It should always be. I want all mothers to know that they were chosen by God, it was not a coincidence, it was a divine choice, God has trusted us to educate, love our children.
Proverbs 1: 8 "Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and do not abandon your mother's teaching."
The secret of the blessing on earth is in the honor of the parents, it is obedience with joy. The secret of a mother is in knowing God says the word that the love of God is similar to that of a mother. In the Bible there are many women of examples of faith, perseverance and honor. For God, a mother must want to look like Ana, the mother of Samuel. In 1 Sam. 1: 2-11, we find how Ana wishes to be a mother, longs for a child and that must be the feeling of every mother. Other than that, she was a godly woman, fearful of God and very devoted to prayer. What better mother than one like this? A Christian mother should be like Mary, the mother of Jesus. "She was his first teacher. From her lips and from the scrolls of the prophets he learned heavenly things. . . . His intimate knowledge of the Scriptures shows us how diligently he devoted his early years to studying the Word of God. " Book The Desire of Ages. Ellen White.
Thankful to God for allowing me to be a mother, and promise to be of crowds.
I am the mother of Victoria Isabella, a girl who came to give happiness, she is my partner, my joy, she has made me learn things that I never imagined, I will always ask God for wisdom to guide her to be a woman of the kingdom. I have not only had this privilege but also the promise of being the mother of multitudes, of those people who need a spiritual guide, of love to get out of slavery of the soul, I close my eyes and I can imagine that prize of bringing these souls to meet Christ.
Proverbs 31: 10-31 New King James Version (RVR1960)
In Praise of the Virtuous Woman
10 Virtuous woman, who will find her?
Because their esteem far exceeds that of precious stones.
11 Her husband's heart is confident in her,
And he will not lack earnings.
12 She does him good and not bad
Every day of his life.
13 Seek wool and linen,
And with will he works with his hands.
14 It is like a merchant's ship;
Bring your bread from afar.
15 He gets up even at night
And he gives food to his family
And ration to her maids.
16 Consider the inheritance, and the purchase,
And he plants a vineyard of the fruit of his hands.
17 Gird his loins with strength,
And strain your arms.
18 He sees that his business is going well;
Its lamp does not go out at night.
19 He applies his hand to the spindle,
And his hands to the spinning wheel.
20 Reach out to the poor,
And he extends his hands to the needy.
21 He is not afraid of the snow for his family,
Because his whole family is dressed in double clothes.
22 She makes herself tapestries;
Of fine linen and purple is her dress.
23 Her husband is known at the gates,
When you sit with the elders of the earth.
24 He makes cloth, and sells,
And give tapes to the merchant.
25 Strength and honor are her clothing;
And he laughs for the outcoming.
26 Open your mouth with wisdom,
And the law of clemency is in their language.
27 Consider the ways of your house,
And don't eat the bucket bread.
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
And her husband also praises her:
29 Many women did good;
But you surpass all.
30 Grace is deceitful, and beauty is vain;
The woman who fears Jehovah will be praised.
31 Give him of the fruit of his hands,
And let her deeds praise her at the gates.
Every day we must tell our mothers how much we love her and why we love her, my daughter tells me when she gets up: Mommy I love you, you are my teddy, you are always warm, and God gave me my mother, this is my happiness that comes from above .Mothers, we must be people of influences that mark our generations and leave a legacy in the world.
«The mothers heart is what makes the world go round! Mothers do more than give birth. They bring joy and hope. Compassion and ideals. Yes, the mother's heart is amazing! Blessed be God for giving us all a MOTHER! »

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful women of the world.
@darlenys01 Happy Mother's Day Darlenys, God bless you. The words with which you describe the love mothers have for their children really show us their dedication and commitment to have a better world.
Happy mothers day. dear apostle