The gospel saves.

in HeartChurch5 years ago (edited)

Greetings family, a very quick reminder to everyone in the house, over many ages now the gospel has always been preached to people, some believe and they are save but some reject it and died.


The gospel was preached to Adam in the garden of Eden, when God told Adam saying of all the tree in the garden thou mayest eat thereof but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou should not eat of that tree. That was the gospel preach to Adam but Adam willingly rejected the gospel and He died.

The tree of life in the garden represented Jesus Christ and Adam instead of receiving Jesus which was life, choose death by disobeying Gods instructions. That is why in the book of Hebrews 11 where all the father's of faith are mentioned, you will never find Adam. Meaning that Adam was not save because he rejected the gospel.

Another example is Cain and Abel, for the first time God demanded an offering, two people were in church that day,and that was Cain and Abel. Cain out of disobedience gave an any how offering to God but Abel gave the firstlings of his flock and the Bible says that God add respect to Abel offering than Cain.

That is why Abel though he is dead but yet speaketh. For the first time they ever hear the word giving Abel believes and gave his best but Cain who refuses to believe gave his left over and God didn't add respect to his offering. That's why by faith Abel offer a more excellent offering than Cain. That was the gospel preached to them, one person took advantage of it and be save while the other refuse and died.

Are we going to talk about the days of Noah, for the first time Noah ever heard of rain he believes and built the ark that God commanded him to build. That was the gospel preached to Noah and he believed and he and his family members were all saved. Those who refuses to believe because they have never seen rain before, because of their unbelief they all perish. But Noah and his family who believed were all saved.

Coming to us who are here in this world, non of us witness while Christ was on earth, non of us witness while he was killed and how He was killed. But the Bible has told us that He actually came to this world, He received our sins even though He did not commit any sin, He was bitten and He suffer and died for our sake,and that He resurrected the third day. And now the only thing we need to do is to believe that He went through all these for our sake, and then confess Him as our Lord and personal saviour, and we are saved.

This is the gospel, but the big question is how many of us actually believe these truth?how many have come to confess Him as their Lord and personal saviour? Or are we going to act like the people in the days of Noah who rejected the gospel and perish? Are going to act like Adam who brought sin into the whole world by a single disobedient?

Like I have always been saying in my post on this platform, that sin has no power to take you to hell, the only thing that will take anybody to hell is when you reject the gospel. Think about this and make your decision. Don't forget that it is the will of God for everyone to be save but God will never force you to be saved.

Stay blessed, think Christ