If by any circumstance in life we are tempted to worry or take a specific situation into our own hands, we should pray a prayer of commitment.
Personally, when I say: “Lord, I give you this situation; do something to make things go well ”.
When we turn things over to God, the Lord intervenes.
Surrender to the Lord your children, your marriage, your interpersonal relationships, and especially anything you are tempted to worry about: "casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5: 7).
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To be successful in being ourselves, we must continually entrust ourselves to God, handing over those things that seem to stop us. Only God can adequately deal with such situations.
In my own life, I have come to realize that the more I try to take things into my own hands, the bigger the mess in my life afterward. I was very independent and found it very difficult to humiliate myself and admit that I needed help. However, when I finally gave myself to God in those areas and found the joy of casting my burdens on Him, I couldn't believe how I had lived so long under such great pressure.
Worry gives rise to pressure; prayer gives rise to peace.
You and I may have a schedule for things to happen in our lives, and we may find that things don't happen according to our schedule. We may be disappointed at first, but the best we can do is turn it over to God in prayer. We must let go of it and hand it over to God.
There is still much to do in our lives before fulfilling our destiny.
When I look back on my life, I can't believe everything that has happened!
Only God knows what to do, and He is the only one capable of doing it. The more sincerely we give ourselves to Him, the more we will progress.
Pray the commitment prayer often. Remember that any time, any place, is an opportune time to pray.
Do not forget what the apostle Peter said: "casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you."