Those who know your name trust in you, because you, Lord, protect those who seek you. Psalm 9:10
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Perhaps you are facing the most terrible test of your life, perhaps the doctors have told you that the disease you have is fatal. All this has you bad and it is not for less. You live stressed and in anguish and you cannot communicate to anyone what you feel, because a huge void covers your heart.
Today you surely woke up very sad and you look out the window of your room and contemplate your green garden, to which a voice whispers in your heart and tells you that you will not see it again.
The trial you face is very painful and you feel the compassion of your whole family, because they are also convinced that your illness is fatal. However, the psalmist says that God protects those who seek his name.
Today I want to encourage you and help you regain strength within you, because God is the only one who has the last word. Come and draw near to the Lord, if you have not confessed Him as Savior, you can do it, receiving Christ in your heart, and He will change your sadness into joy. The Lord today gives you the opportunity for salvation and healing. Science may speak of death, but Christ came so that we may have life in abundance. Do not indulge in illness, because Jesus is a doctor par excellence.
God can carry the burden of your illness to the cross and set you free from your dark thoughts of death. No matter what the doctors have told you, your miracle can happen today and Christ is ready to do it.
God protects those who seek him, no matter the magnitude of your trial, if you decide to walk with Christ, He will carry your burden and make you free from all problems and diseases.