Fervent prayers puts you out to receive favour

in HeartChurch5 years ago

Hebrews 4:16 reads "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and fine grace to help in time of need"

The importance of prayers in the life of any believer cannot be overemphasize. In fact I may be tempted to develop a mathematical formula by saying that prayer equates to favours. That is to say that more prayers implies more favours.

Our Bible reference which is from Hebrews, states that we should come boldly to the throne of grace. Grace here is an essential element that describes or defines divine favour. You cannot be frequent at the throne of grace or favour and not enjoy real favours.

As a matter of fact, we should note that the very essence of approaching the throne of grace is to obtain mercy (favours) I'll never relapse in pointing out the fact that mercy is a foundation for favour, and each time you get into prayers, you get yourself exposed to the mercy of God.

You cannot afford to forget that what became the throne of grace was initially called the mercy seat in the old testament. So the place of prayers is the place of mercy and favours will always follow mercy because they are inseperable.

Beloved you must as a matter of fact make up your mind today that you will not shy away from the mercy throne of God. You must choose to unlearn that erroneous believe that the throne of grace is a place for judgement.

Please disabuse your mind from this and I promise you that the favours unmerited will be yours starting this moment in Jesus name,amen.

Thanks for reading my blog. Be rapturable. Be ready.
Be watchful.
Please disabuse your mind from this and I promise you that the favours unmerited will be yours starting this moment in Jesus name,amen.