There is some glorious that happen in our lives when we are able to control anger, when we refuse to lose our temper irrespective of what has happened.
When we are able to control our mind, tongue or feelings at what we see or hear. The truth is that, in our daily life like, working place, meeting, business, home or anywhere we meet many people, there may be disagreement or Satan may want to set up a problem to provoke someone's anger.
Even in our mind the devil can bring thoughts, suggestions, plans, or problems that can make us to do wrong thing to ourselves or people,
remember nowadays people will kill themselves because of one thing or the other nation Will fight nation because of a little problem that they have.
It's important to control ourselves in any moment we find ourselves in anger. Because it carries a lot of blessings like, joy, favor, peace and prosperity make God to fight our battle physically and spiritually.
I can say that to control anger is so powerful that we can use it to get whatever we want in life.
When people or situation tries to provoke us to anger we should control our self. Sometimes people that are supposed to encourage us look as if we are fools, powerless, or ignorant.
Finally, angry destroy like fire, for a fire is kindled in angry, and shall burn unto the Lowest hell and shall consume the earth with her increases and set on fire the foundation. Deutronomy 33: 23.
Scornful man bring a city into a snare, but wise men turn away wrath , Proverb 29:8.
Avoid getting upset and try to control your anger.
If you find it difficult to control your anger, make friend with Jesus Christ and he will help you out.