in Family & Friends7 months ago (edited)


What's up hivers today I woke up early to go to the movies with irama a friend I met going to the cinema.

I start my day getting ready everything I had to take with me for the day like: Charger, Clothes, Money, My cell phone, etc.


Que tal hivers hoy me levante temprano para ir al cine junto a irama una amiga que conoci llendo al cevaz.

Empiezo mi dia alistando todo lo que tenia que llevarme para pasar el dia como : Cargador, Ropa,Dinero, Mi celular, etc.



Well I wanted to wear something different from what I am used to which is to wear only black clothes and although I didn't go too far from the black color it was different from my usual day to day.

Well, having everything ready I went to Irama's house where they were waiting for me with lunch prepared by her grandmother.


Bueno quise usar algo diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrado que es usar solo ropa de color negro y aunque no me aleje mucho de el color negro quedo diferente a lo usual de mi dia a dia.

Buena ya teniendo listo todo me dirigi a la casa de irama en donde me estaban esperando con el almuerzo preparado por su abuela.



During lunch I had fun talking and getting to know irama's grandmother with different topics of conversation.

At the end of lunch grandma offered us ice cream for dessert and we started talking about her hometown which was going through floods.

Well after a while we headed to our destination which was a nearby mall, in Irama's dad's car, the only drawback is that she is the one with the license and it was the 2nd time she was driving XD.


Durante el almuerzo se me hizo divertido hablar y conocer a la abuela de irama con distintos temas de conversación.

Al terminar el almuerzo la abuela nos ofreció helado de postre y terminar conversando de su pueblo natal el cual estaba pasando por inundaciones.

Bueno al cabo de un rato nos dirigimos a nuestro destino el cual era un centro comercial cercano, en el carro del papa de irama, el unico inconveniente es que ella es la de la licencia y era la 2da vez que manejaba XD.



This part was the one I enjoyed the most since I was guiding her by holding the steering wheel to support her driving, and even if I had to intervene I grabbed the steering wheel with both hands to be able to maneuver quickly, luckily it was never to avoid a car or a motorcycle.


Esta parte fue la que mas disfrute ya que yo la iba guiando mediante le sostenia el volante para apoyarla a conducir, e incluso si tenia que intervenir agarraba el volante con la dos manos para poder maniobrar rapido por suerte no fue nunca para evitar un carro o alguna moto.



At the movie theater we had planned to see a movie and when we arrived there was no show, it seemed strange to me because I checked the day before that the show was in that mall at about the time we arrived.

In conclusion we ended up changing to see
! Breaking the circle ! Which I recommend to see, it's good, it's about romance, abuse, etc.

While we were watching the movie, the time was fun, we talked, we made jokes with the movie, we laughed at people's reactions, we laughed at the movie and maybe some other experience that I don't remember.


Ya en el cine teniamos planeado ver una pelicula y cuando llegamos no estaba la función ya que se me hizo raro por que revise el dia anterior que la función estaba en ese centro comercial a la hora que mas o menos llegamos.

En conclusión terminamos cambiando por ver
! Romper el círculo ! La cual recomiendo en ver es buena, se trata de romance, maltratos, etc.

Mediante estabamos viendo la película, el rato fue divertido hablabamos, haciamos chistes con la película, nos reímos de las reacciones de la gente, nos reímos de la película y quizás alguna que otra experiencia que no recuerdo.



When we got home from the movies, grandma greeted us with dinner, a little conversation and out of nowhere the electricity went out.

Irama and I started to watch an anime while the power came on in the hope that it would, and grandma started to talk with her friends from her hometown.

Luckily the power came on after an hour or so and we were able to rest.


Al llegar del cine la abuela nos recibio con la cena, un poco de conversación y de la nada se va la electricidad.

Irama y yo nos pusimos a ver un anime mientras llegaba la luz con la esperanza de que si va a llega, y la abuela se puso a conversar con sus amigos de su pueblo natal.

Por suerte tambien la electricidad llego al cabo de 1 hora mas o menos para poder asi descansar.

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Redmi note 13
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Traductor: DeepL
Translator: DeepL

Editor de fotos: photoroom
Photo editor: photoroom



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