Be Available: 1st series

in Family & Friendslast year (edited)


Today's world is complex and our days are mostly occupied with things we do for a living. So many people spend tens of hours making sales, delivering products, or offering services to some clients in need. Life sometimes tends to revolve around the daily routine of going to work and returning home late for most people. Sometimes we feel bad about our jobs, other times we just can't afford to quit.

Imagine a situation where one has a family but never gets to see them for over 60days. Leisure is sometimes very short for many people as their jobs become more demanding than ever. So many people wants peace being with their friends and family but work is demanding so much of their attention on daily basis.

The fact
We live by the value we create or add at some point and thats what puts the meal on the table of our families. True, but sometimes we often get to trade-off friendship and family needs for the demands of our jobs.

The damand for leisure grows rapidly in the hearts of folks whose homes are gradually tearing apart because they have not enough time to pay attention to their spouses, kids and friends. In life we have to trade alot of things. Time limits our abilities and exposes our weaknesses and strengths.

I've got a friend I never had to see until its six months. He's got a wife and three kids and they are missing his presence more than I do. He works with a delivery firm offshore and worker there barely have time to be with family.

I realized at some point that being available is so important to any relationship. The times we spent, the things we said and did with the ones we love are most often the most memorable experiences we kept safe in memory.

It's important to find a way even when the path is too narrow. That's one lesson life teaches to the smart.

Being available out of your busy schedule to bond with family and friends comes with loads of long term benefits that are unmatched and irreplaceable at some point.

Yes, gifting a car, beautiful dress, sweet perfume, nice chocolates might be a great idea but what about gifting your time and presence by being available?

Some beautiful acts done towards us keep reassuring us we are loved by the ones we love. Having a conversation, smiles, kisses, hugs, and so on, find a place in the hearts of the ones we love and we are not left out.

The Tricky situation
Its tricky when you barely have time for yourself let alone making out time for others. The most busy boss has a family who needs his attention and availability for their needs. Whether an employer or employee, we make choices and trade off choices in the process of living.

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Here is The Light
Finding a balance between work and leisure is tricky and you cannot be sure you are on the right side at all times. Being available to friends and family is vital to protect our happiness and that of our love-ones.
Checking up on a friend through a conversation
( a text or a call) could save a dying relationship and increase fondness in the process. A short conversation is better than no conversation; it could save relationships and grow ones attractiveness.

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Being available is not restricted to being physically present at all times or having so much talk time... Communication involves so much ingredients that we often ignore at some point. But those could be most important things that reassures our peace and keep our relationships going. Talking, texting, smiling at someone, hugs, kisses, listening, and so on, may be all we need to express our love to others on daily basis. It helps us to be always available amid our busy schedules. Rescheduling our plans may be necessary to afford us peace when we become more available to the needs of others while optimising our time and benefits.

Thanks for stopping by on my blog🤗🤗
Drop a comment to help me see how you feel about this post. Much love friends! 🤗😁❤️


I believe that precisely finding that balance you talk about in your article, starts with having time for yourself. Once we have personal time, it is easier to find at least 5min for family and friends.

Absolutely.... This would help alot of folks realize the importance of making out time for themselves. Thanks for stoping by @yaroschain. I'm glad to have you here 🤗😊❤️