My brother and I tried to win a competition of the Venezuelan Mr. Beast [ESP & ENG]

in Family & Friends6 months ago

My brother and I waiting for the event to begin
Mi Hermano y yo esperando a que el evento empezara

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, what's up? What do you think of Mr. Beast, and what do you think of this kind of people who give away money or products and make content out of it? Looking at some old photos I remembered that a few months ago Ozzy Philanthropy, known as the Venezuelan Mr. Beast, made a trip to several Universities giving away laptops and mobile phones, when we found out that he was coming to my university my older brother and I decided to go and see if we could win something. Let me tell you how it went. 👇👇👇👇👇

Hoooola, ¿qué más? ¿Qué opinan de Mr. Beast? ¿Y qué opinan de este tipo de personas que regala dinero o productos y hace contenido con eso? Viendo unas fotos viejas me acordé que hace unos meses Ozzy Philanthropy, conocido como el Mr. Beast veneco o de Venezuela hizo un viaje por varias Universidades haciendo eventos regalando laptops y celulares, al enterarnos que pasaría por mi universidad mi hermano mayor y yo nos decidimos por ir a ver si nos ganábamos algo. Déjenme les cuento cómo nos fue. 👇👇👇👇👇

Silly Ale photo
Foto graciosa de Alejandro

A few days earlier it had gone viral in UCV groups that there would be an event where they would give away new laptops and mobile phones for students, I joked with my friends and my brothers about this and I decided to go alone for the experience and because I didn't have classes early in the morning. My older brother has been wanting to change his mobile phone for a while, as his is already showing problems, so he said he would go with me and that's how we agreed.

Unos días antes se había hecho viral por grupos de la UCV que se haría un evento donde regalarían laptops y celulares nuevos para los estudiantes, algo incrédulo bromeo con mis amigos y mis hermanos sobre esto y me decido a ir solo por la experiencia y porque no tenía clases temprano en la mañana. Mi hermano mayor tiene un tiempo queriendo cambiar de celular pues el suyo ya anda presentando fallas así que me dijo que me acompañaría y así quedamos.

We got up early, had breakfast and left for the university, we were on site by about 8am, it was about an hour before the event was due to start, I met and greeted several acquaintances and then an incredible crowd of people started to arrive. We were told by some of the staff that we were going to start early (but Ozzy was coming late apparently so we waited for a while in the immense sunshine).

Temprano nos paramos, desayunamos y salimos a la universidad, alrededor de las 8 de la mañana ya estábamos in situ, faltaba una hora para que empezara el evento, me encontré y saludé a varios conocidos y luego empezó a llegar una multitud increíble de gente. Nos avisó parte del Staff que íbamos empezar pronto (pero venía Ozzy tarde al parecer así que esperamos un buen rato bajo un solazo inmamable).

Finally the host arrived with his team, the staff had shirts with the Ozzy logo and there were drones, cameras, mobile phones, lots of people filming for the Youtube video that was supposed to be made (the UCV video was never uploaded). Finally, it was announced that the winners of different games would receive the prizes, the first was a race to find mobile phones around the campus, the idea was to run, find a mobile phone and return it to the host. After taking photos, verifying that you were a student at the university and your identity, you were given the mobile phone. Neither my brother nor I wanted to participate in this first one because we are not very fast and I personally get tired very quickly running.

Finalmente llegó el anfitrión con su equipo, el staff tenía camisas con el logo de Ozzy y habían drones, cámaras, celulares, mucha gente grabando para el vídeo de Youtube que según iban a montar (el de la UCV nunca se subió). En fin se anunció que los ganadores de distintos juegos serían los que recibirían los premios, el primero fue una carrera por encontrar celulares por el campus, la idea era correr, encontrar un celular y devolverlo al anfitrión. Después de tomar fotos, verificar que fueras estudiante de la universidad y tu identidad era que te daban el celular. Ni mi hermano ni yo quisimos participar en este primero pues no somos muy veloces y yo en lo personal me canso muy rápido corriendo.

Small part of the crowd
Pequeña parte de la multitud

The second game was through papers, you filled in a crossword puzzle, put in your details and handed it in, it was a total mess and disaster, people crushing each other, pushing and shoving to get through and hand in the papers first, it was really scary at a time when I was in the middle of a crowd and I couldn't move and they just pushed me and pushed me. My brother managed to hand in my paper and his and later on he was chosen for a game, I think it was Rock, Paper, Scissors and/or a guessing game I was running out of battery on my mobile phone and I went to my faculty to charge it.

El segundo juego fue a través de unos papelitos, llenabas un crucigrama, colocabas tus datos y lo entregabas, fue un despelote y desastre total, gente aplastando a otra, embistiendo para pasar y entregar los papeles primero, fue realmente espantoso en un momento que estaba en medio de una multitud y no me podía mover y solo me empujaban y me empujaban. Mi hermano consiguió entregar mi papelito y el suyo y más adelante el fue escogido para un juego, creo que era de Piedra, Papel o Tijera, y/o adivinanzas; yo me estaba quedando sin batería en el celular y asi que me fui a mi facultad a cargar el celular.

Ale with the Chicha
Ale con la chicha

A few minutes later my brother called me, he came far but he didn't win in that game, there were few prizes left and they were going to continue doing games to draw them but it was already afternoon, we had to get home to make lunch, we were tired and sweaty because of the relentless sun. So we went and bought a chicha for both of us, it was average, I have definitely tried better but that was the end of our experience Mr. Beast as I say.

A los minutos me llamó mi hermano, llegó lejos pero no ganó en ese juego, ya quedaban pocos premios e iban a seguir haciendo juegos para sortearlos pero era ya la tarde, había que llegar a hacer el almuerzo, estábamos cansados y sudados por el implacable sol. Así que fuimos y nos compramos una chicha para los dos, estaba regular, definitivamente he probado mejores pero así terminó nuestra experiencia Mr. Beast como le digo.

The guy with black shirt and the bear logo is Ozzy
El chamo con camisa negra y el logo de oso es Ozzy

In my opinion I feel that for sure it was all money laundering, the videos were never put together, Ozzy appeared a month before this event at the UCV and to this day 4 months have passed since the last time he posted content on Instagram and Youtube, I also think it could have been a plugged in (person who is directly related to the government, works for it or someone from this family does) trying to do a social experiment or something, he did indeed give away mobile phones but because of the people banging and hitting each other to win many people got hurt and some even had their mobile phones broken and as you can expect no one was held responsible.

En mi opinión siento que seguro fue lavado de dinero todo esto, los videos nunca se montaron, Ozzy apareció un mes antes de este evento a la UCV y al son de hoy han pasado 4 meses desde la última vez que posteó contenido en Instagram y Youtube, también creo que pudo haber sido un enchufado intentando hacer un experimento social o algo, en efecto si regaló celulares pero por la gente embistiendo y golpeandose por ganar salió mucha gente lastimada e incluso hubo quien se le rompió su celular y como se puede esperar nadie se hizo responsable.

Genuinely I don't know if this kind of events are viable in my country, there is not such a civilized culture for this kind of events, there is no money to waste either and I think that in that sense they take advantage of the average person because getting something for free sounds good especially when it costs so much effort to get it on your own. What do you think about all this? Even though I didn't win anything I'm happy I went because I was able to share with my brothers, we don't really talk much, we hardly ever go out, we usually show each other memes and talk about pop culture and that's it. Thank you for reading all the post, I really appreciate it, I hope you liked it and let me know in the comments what you think about this experience.

Genuinamente no sé si este tipo de eventos sean viables en mi país, no hay una cultura tan civilizada para este tipo de ámbitos tampoco hay dinero para derrochar y creo que en ese sentido se aprovechan de la persona promedio pues llevarse algo gratis suena bien en especial cuanto tanto esfuerzo cuesta obtenerlo por tu cuenta. ¿Qué opinan ustedes de todo esto? Pese a no ganarme nada me siento feliz de haber ido pues pude compartir con mi hermanos, nosotros no es que hablemos mucho en verdad, casi no salimos, usualmente nos mostramos memes y hablamos una que otra cosa de cultura pop y ya. Gracias por leer hasta el final, realmente lo aprecio mucho, espero te haya gustado y déjame saber en los comentarios que te pareció esta experiencia que viví.


My social Media | Mis redes sociales

Instagram: ronrroneaa

Tiktok: ronrroneaa

Créditos | Credits

All photos were taken by me unless advised the contrary. Translation from Spanish to English made with the help of DeepL. Cover picture made with the help of Canva.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí a menos que se indique lo contrario. Traducción del español al inglés realizada con la ayuda de DeepL. Imagen de portada realizada con la ayuda de Canva.


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Whoa, looks so big, coz of the crowd. Content creator everywhere can really do a lot to gain virus. But this one looks fun. Still, because lots of people are actually looking forward and so excited with it, feels like some overdid it. The prize is actually not bad no. And Mr. Beast? I feel like I saw a clip about him before but, not so sure. Im am more familiar with Big Daws Tv and Juan something that giveaways money, gadgets even cars. Im not updated about them anymore though.

Yeah, they trend to do this kind of stuff to grow, so as doing giveaways.

Mr. Beast is a guy with a LOT of money, he tends to give it a way through games, like be the last one to leave a circle in 24 hours and more crazy stuff. The videos are entertaining to watch even though I've seen 2 videos at most