Hello to all hive family and friends Community members. Welcome to my beautiful blog. Today day was very superb and blessed because in our school a amazing event celebrated altogether. Head of school with all staff participated in this event. This was a party program which arranged for 10th class students. I am incharge of this 10th class so I did a lot of work for awesome enjoyment. A room decorated beautifully and especially many balloons were hang onto the wall of the room.
Starting of party was very seenable in which all students holding rose to made two line and when teachers were coming to room rose were thrown onto them for their dignity and honour. I was also in this staff when this beautiful event occurred.
After this I started this party. Firstly a student came for reciting of Holy Quran verse after it he also recite a Naat sharif.
We did many competitions between students. But I liked poetry competition. One student listened heart touching poetry.
Another segment which we enjoyed too much that was competition to eating of fastly bananas than other. One student ate one dozen banana just in two minutes and got winner.
Anyway, we celebrated this party to much superb. At the end management of food were done. I enjoyed that food.
That was a memorable and beautiful event of our life not only for the class but also for all of us.
I especially pray that May they succeed not only matriculation exam also all exam will coming to their lives.