I made a post a week ago and shared about my Last birthday, where I mentioned that I didn’t take any pictures because my Phone’s power was down. Guess what?
One of my Friends shared some of those pictures with me yesterday and said, “I thought to send it when you would need it most”. I really did because I have been a bit away from my Friends for some time. And I want to share those memories with you. Enjoy🥂
The Photos
This was me playing around with the balloon 😂
The Gift my friends got me.
Do I have to introduce them 🤭🤗❤️
Happy birthday 🎉 to me. Lol 😂
Reflecting on those Memories
One of the stand out moments was when two of which are my closest friends were sincerely explaining to me why they could not get me something bigger than they already did. Just like I said in the previous Post I really knew that that is what they could afford at the moment. How did I know? They are my Friends 🤪.
I remember when they all surrounded me to pray for me and they all prayed exactly what was my heart desire. I never particularly discussed it with them but they knew me well enough to know it. At this point I felt I was surrounded by a mighty army that gave me the backing to do whatever I wanted to do and go wherever I wanted to go in Life.
The timing in which they came was so perfect, I loved the balloons part especially because I got to play around with it, then I remembered that, “girl you’ve grown up”🤭, it didn’t stop me though🤪. They took out time to share and reflect on beautiful moments we had together, I mean even the tiniest of experiences I didn’t count or remember. The Songs and me having to spoil their surprise plan because I saw my friend’s foot underneath the gate and I opened it when it was meant to be a surprise😄. I had to pay for it by going back to close the door and allowed them do their thing and I acted surprised all over again but it was fun because I was really excited.
I am really grateful to have them in my Life, they are a family I never could have imagined to have. My safe space, my Go to and I bet you we’ve seen the toughest times together yet even in the distance we still relate as though together. I don’t have to go through anything alone because I have them.
I feel so happy because the memories and butterflies I felt that day are right here just as I share this memory with you. I have been writing, reflecting and smiling all through.
Whether it is your Family or Friends you are with at the moment, learn to cherish, appreciate and celebrate with them whenever you can. It doesn’t have to be big as long as it comes from a big heart.
You can go ahead to share your own memories with Friends and/or family in the comments and tag them if they are Here.
If they are not here, you can take a step further to reach and tell them “thank you for being a part of me”.
Let me go and do mine 😊