Feliz jueves amigos de #hive, un saludo cordial para todos en especial a los miembros de esta gran comunidad de #family&friends.
Happy Thursday #hive friends, warm greetings to all especially to the members of this great #family&friends community.
Today is one of those days where I woke up with nostalgia remembering and longing for the person who gave me more love during my childhood, my grandmother. There are few memories I have of my childhood, however among those fond memories are the years I lived with my grandmother Aurora, whom we affectionately call Ylla.
For many years my grandmother lived in the same city where I live, but due to her advanced age (91 years old) a few years ago she had to move with my aunt to the city of Barcelona in the state of Anzoátegui. Although we are barely two hours away by road, I have rarely been able to travel to be near her, something I miss very much and I miss her very much, because I used to go every week to her house to enjoy the peace that her presence transmits.
The last time I had the joy of sharing with her was in April of last year, an emotional moment because at first she did not recognize me, my heart grieved and I was about to cry, however while I was talking to her she called me by name and started asking me about my sister.
My children were also very excited, as they got to be spoiled and pampered by their great-grandmother and they had more time than I had without seeing her.
I think the fact that she was the youngest granddaughter made her the most spoiled, or at least that's how she always made me feel, something my sister and cousins make jokes about, and we assure her that our little old lady is the most beautiful, sweetest and tender in the world.
Although it was only a few hours that we were able to be there, I was infinitely grateful for that moment, Ylla has left an indelible mark in my heart and I believe that I will never be able to repay her for so much unconditional love. Her values, her humility, her kind heart, her sincerity, her nobility, her strength to move forward, are a fundamental part of my growth as a person and human being.
Por eso les digo a todos aquellos que tienen a sus abuelos cerca que no los abandonen, que procuren siempre honrarlos y retribuirles todo lo que ellos desinteresadamente hacen por nosotros.
That is why I tell all those who have their grandparents close to them not to abandon them, to always try to honor them and repay them for everything they selflessly do for us.
To say that I love her is an understatement, without a doubt I believe that I am fortunate to have grown up with one of those beings that no longer exist, good people, with a calm and serene personality, for whom I thank God every day for her health and ask Him to keep her full of vitality until the day of her transformation.
Fuentes / Sources:
Traductor || Translator: Deepl
Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad tomadas con un Xiaomi Red mi 9 || All images are my own taken with a Xiaomi Red mi 9.
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@morenaluna 08/06/2023
Las abuelas parecen haber sido creadas por Dios para llenar de amor y alegría el sitio donde habitan y a toda la familia, especialmente a los nietos. Bendiciones para ti y tu abuela.
Amén, muchas gracias 🙏 Así mismo es, su misión es iluminar nuestras vidas con su luz! ✨💫
You're a lucky lady to have a grandmother and have such a good relationship with her. Many don't even get to meet their grandparents, let alone spend quality time together. God bless her and I wish her all the best.
You are so right, I am lucky to have such a grandmother. Although I knew my paternal grandparents with them the relationship was not so close, that's why my Ylla is so special! ❤️
Que linda tu abuelita. Dios la cuide y la bendiga.
Amén 🙏 muchas gracias por tu buenos deseos!!
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