Babay Zach on his 2nd birthday!

in Family & Friends19 hours ago


Good day hivers!!!
2years ago ,we celebrates to have a new member in our family.Baby Zach was born ,a son of our niece,so it means Zach is our grandson hihi.
We are happy when his father chatted me telling that the baby was born ,I was'nt able to visit at the hospital since I have two kids and birthing homes are strick that time due to the covid problem in our country.

But then in the afternoon ,we had a bad news from my family side .Anyway ,Zach is my husband's grandson.
My brother in law,my sister's husband chatted me telling about what happened to my cousin who works in manila.He got an accident,the wall collapse and unfortunately,he was hitted by the wall and died.

I feel sad especially for my aunt ,the mother and I know how hard for my aunt to accept and moved on on what happened to her son but that's life ,we need to accept ,we human being will come to that point.

Anyway ,back to the celebration ,a night before we celebrated his birthday we got busy on preparing ,for the decorations and prepared what we need for his birthday.




While my niece are putting some decorations ,I also preparing the lumpia.

And this morning ,I went to the school with my son coz their examination today good thing he finish the exam earlier so I went to the town to buy some ice cream and puto cheese as our dessert .My sister in-law sent me money for it.

When I got home ,I cooked and prepared the spaghetti and put in pack lunch for the kids.


Around 12noon when everything is cooked and ready ,we will having our lunch.Our niece have some visitors ,it's their family from her husband side and their friends as well .




Since baby Zach loves planet ,he even memorize already the planets ,our neice decided to have the planets as his birthday theme.




After having our lunch, I got busy on washing the dishes and keeps the messy things around.
It's not easy ,I felt tired haha but this is my life here lol!

After done cleaning ,my niece together with her husband went to the town and I need to watch her son.




Here's my look now hahaha ,feels so haggard.


My niece came home now so I got a chance to enjoy eating the food we had here.


While watching my niece preparing this birthday celebration for his son ,my heart melt knowing that every mom do and give what's the best for our kids.

And that's it for today ,tah k you guys for dropping by ,stay safe and have a great day!!!!!!!


Feliz cumpleaños a ese lindo ese bebe,
todo les quedo lindo,

Happy sweetest birthday to the cute one. May shine in life with all happiness.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!