[ENG] Plaza Francia walk in Altamira / [ESP] Paseo Plaza Francia de Altamira


[ENG] My wife, my children and I decided to take a family trip through the Chacao Municipality, Miranda State, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

As we passed near Plaza Francia in Altamira, we admired some bear sculptures strategically placed near a large Christmas tree that decorated the place with its soothing lights .

When investigating we saw a small writing where the public was informed that the sculptures were made by the young artist Josue Benjamín, who wanted to pay tribute to the family as the center of society and represented it as a Bear Family, papa bear, mama bear and the bear cub.

[ESP] Mi esposa, mis hijos y yo decidimos dar un paseo familiar por el Municipio Chacao, Estado Miranda, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Al pasar cerca de la Plaza Francia de Altamira observamos con admiración unas esculturas de Oso estratégicamente ubicadas cerca de un gran árbol de navidad que decoraba el sitio con sus luces decembrinas.

Al investigar vimos un pequeño escrito donde se le informaba al público que las esculturas fueron hechas por el joven artista Josue Benjamín, quien quiso rendir un homenaje a la familia como centro de la sociedad y la represento como una Familia de Osos, papá oso, mamá oso y el osezno.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu