Family of Friends

in Family & Friendslast year


Hey there, reader! I am excited to share with you all about the amazing family of friends that I have here in college. I'm sure everyone has that special group of people in their lives who just get them and bring out the best in them. Well, that's what my college family of friends means to me. As I sit down to reflect on my family of friends, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. These people have been with me through thick and thin, they have laughed with me and cried with me, they have celebrated my achievements and held me up through my struggles.

Growing up, I always heard the saying that blood is thicker than water. And while I love and appreciate my biological family, I've come to realize that family isn't solely defined by genetics. My family of friends has become just as important, if not more so, than my blood relatives.

My family of friends is a group of diverse individuals who come from all walks of life. We come together for common interests such as sports, music, and arts, but we also have a deep sense of loyalty to each other. It’s as if we have become one big family unit over time, supporting each other in ways that no one else can.


At the heart of our little family, is my so called wife Gracelle. We met on the second year of college and hit it off immediately. She is one of the most positive and fun-loving people I have ever met. She is always ready for a laugh and has a way of making even the dullest days feel brighter. She is also incredibly organized and hardworking, and never hesitates to offer me a helping hand when I am struggling with a tough assignment. My so called wife is a truly unique individual, and I love that about her. She has an incredible sense of humor and can always find a way to make me laugh, no matter how tough things might be. She's also incredibly smart and driven, and I admire the way that she approaches life with such passion and intensity. Her dedication to her career is inspiring, and she never settles for anything less than her best. I have come to think of her as a sort of "mother thing" for our circle of friends. She is always the first person to offer a listening ear or a helping hand. But it's not just her practical kindness that sets her apart. She is also one of the most wise and compassionate people I have ever met. Whenever I am going through a difficult time, I know that I can go to her for advice and guidance. She has a way of seeing through to the heart of the matter and offering solutions that are both practical and insightful.


Our so-called companion is a crybaby of our family of friends. Her name is Abby. Don't get me wrong, she is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met in my life. She is funny, smart, and talented. She is the person you can talk to about anything under the sun and you know she'll be there to listen. But despite all these great qualities, Abby has a bit of a reputation as the resident crybaby of our group. It doesn’t take much to make her cry – a sad movie, a heartfelt conversation, even a touching situation can set her off , or anything under the sun that can touch her emotions. At first, we didn’t quite know how to react to this. Some of us found it a bit annoying – after all, who wants to deal with tears on a regular basis? But over time, we’ve come to accept and even embrace Abby’s sensitive side. In a way, Abby’s tears are a testament to her strength. It takes a lot of courage to show your vulnerability, and Abby does it every day without shame. Her tears are a sign of her deep compassion and empathy for others, and they remind us all to be a little more in touch with our emotions. Abby's status as our crybaby companion is something we wouldn’t trade for anything. She brings a unique energy and perspective to our group, and her tears are just one small part of what makes her such a beloved member of our family of friends. So if you ever see Sally getting a little misty-eyed, don’t worry – it’s just a sign that she cares.


When it comes to being jolly and carefree, nothing compares to my friend or she called herself as our "babhie" who has the unique ability to make anyone laugh. Her name is Ana , but we all call her the "Ganda lang ang ambag" girl. What does it mean, you ask? Well, in Filipino, "Ganda lang ang ambag" roughly translates to "Beauty is all I can offer." This saying perfectly captures Ana's carefree and laid-back attitude towards life. She knows that beauty isn't everything, and so she often quips that all she has to offer is her charm and wit. And let me tell you, those qualities alone are more than enough to make her stand out in a crowd. But Ana is not just any ordinary person. She is one of those naughty but jolly types who are always up to some mischief. I remember this one time when we were out on a Friday night, and she convinced us to sneak into a karaoke bar. We didn't have enough cash to pay for the room, so she started serenading the staff with her soulful rendition of Beyonce's "Love on Top."

Our little family has grown stronger with each passing day. We've shared our fears, dreams, and hopes, and have created a bond that will last a lifetime. Even though we all come from different walks of life, we all have a common goal- to succeed and make the most of our college experience. Together, these amazing individuals make up my college family of friends. We may come from different backgrounds, have different personalities and interests, but we have all been bound by the shared experience of college life. From all-nighters in the library to impromptu trips to the beach, from heart-to-heart conversations to crazy parties, we have shared some of the most unforgettable moments of our lives together.

As my college life draws to a close, I know that it is going to be hard to say goodbye to this amazing family of friends. But I also know that no matter where life takes us, we will always be there for each other, to offer support, comfort and laughter. I feel so lucky to have found this amazing group of people, and I know that our friendship is going to last a lifetime. Having this support system has been a game-changer for me. Knowing that I have a family of friends to lean on makes all the difference. It's not just about surviving college, but thriving and creating lifelong friendships along the way.


Your friend jolly is looking very beautiful in this picture Irrespective of the stage of life, it is very important to have good friends because they help us in difficult times and become our strong support in difficult times. I also believe that friends are like family. I also had very good friends in my university life but since university ended everyone has been busy with their own lives ..I really appreciate your work keep it up 💪

Sure she is , but going to the topic of friendship it was a very amazing thing to have

that's why friendship is great blessing for us ❤️

stay happy

You had an amazing family. Life is all about the people we meet and the bound we are able to build with them, and having a family who you loves and care for is the ultimate

Indeed it was

Having a friend which you can consider a family is really needed in college! Like being surrounded with a good support system just makes college life more tolerable