My mom, my brother and Jhoxiris are the most precious jewels I have left at this moment. I cannot allow anyone to soil my treasure, least of all on my face, let alone at this time of so much pain. Everyone is welcome as long as they understand the concept of RESPECT... It truly is a sacred moment for us. I don't think I resent anyone, but in the midst of the pain and silence one can observe and learn.
I am glad to meet people like you through blockchain, not only because you have become a friend, but I have learned a lot from you because you are a pro at everything, especially psychology. You don't post in that niche, but you have helped a lot of people through your work in that area, including me. thanks Fernando!
Mi mamá, mi hermano y Jhoxiris son las joyas más preciadas que me quedan en este momento. No puedo permitir que nadie ensucie mi tesoro, y menos en mi cara, y mucho menos en este momento de tanto dolor. Todo el mundo está bienvenido mientras entiendan el concepto de RESPETO... De verdad es un momento sagrado para nosotros. No creo que guarde resentimientos con nadie, pero en medio del dolor y el silencio uno puede observar y aprender.
Me alegra conocer a personas como tú por medio de la blockchain, no solo porque te has convertido en un amigo, sino que he aprendido mucho de ti porque eres un profesional en todo, sobre todo en la psicología. No realizas post en ese nicho, pero has ayudado a mucha gente a través de tu labor en esa área, incluyéndome. ¡Gracias Fernando! 😘
Totally agree my brother, respect is crucial in this process, you have to take care of that emotional stability... you will be able to consolidate that to keep moving forward!!!!
You can count on me as a friend, brother and professional.... thank you for your words my Bro and you know that it is with great pleasure that help.... You Rockkk!!! 😘💖