Una visita familiar./ A family visit

in Family & Friends3 years ago

Tiempo sin salir de casa motivado a todos los quehaceres que se tienen en el hogar, y así los hijos ya sean adultos siempre las madres los esperamos con un delicioso almuerzo y eso ha sido mi motivo principal de no salir mucho aunado el hecho de que el transporte público había que tomarlo a una distancia considerada para poder realizar compras en tiendas, visitar a familiares o amigos.

Todo cambio ya que ahora tenemos una línea de transporte publica que cubre todo el perímetro de la ciudad y fuera de esta, justo donde vive mi tía que fue operada de cataratas y por el confinamiento y la falta de transporte solo teníamos comunicación vía telefónica.

Siempre en estas ocasiones familiares la solidaridad y el amor filial se demuestran con visitas u obsequios. En mi caso fue visitarla, una visita que duraría dos días ya que la distancia es considerada de mi casa a la de ella.

Time without leaving the house because of all the chores at home, and even if the children are adults, we mothers always wait for them with a delicious lunch and that has been my main reason for not going out much, together with the fact that public transport had to be taken at a considerable distance to be able to go shopping in shops, visit family or friends.
Everything has changed since we now have a transport line that covers the entire perimeter of the city and outside of it, right where my aunt who had cataract surgery lives and because of the confinement and the lack of transport we only had communication via telephone.
On these family occasions, solidarity and filial love are always shown with visits or gifts. In my case it was to visit her, a visit that would last two days as the distance from my home to hers was considerable.


Tome mi transporte rumbo a casa de mi tía, con víveres que la reconconfortaran e hicieran más agradable su recuperación. Cuando estamos enfermos o en convalecientes el Amor de la familia es la mejor medicina, por ello debemos demostrarle nuestro cariño.

Llegue a cierta distancia, ya que debía caminar para llegar a su casa de donde me dejo el transporte. No me fue pesado, una porque la vería luego de mucho tiempo, dos le retribuiría muchos momentos en los cuales ella me apoyo, tres le brindaría al menos por dos días: cuidado, amor y alegría que reconforta.

I took my transport to my aunt's house, with food to comfort her and make her recovery more pleasant. When we are sick or convalescing, the love of the family is the best medicine, so we must show our affection.
I arrived some distance away, as I had to walk to get to her house from where the transport dropped me off. It was not heavy for me, one because I would see her after a long time, two I would repay her for many moments in which she supported me, three I would give her at least for two days: care, love and joy that comforts.


La emoción me embargaba mientras más me acercaba y cansada, pero con mucha alegría llegue. Encontré a mi tía sentada sin poder mover la cabeza hacia abajo, agradecida por el gesto me abrazo, hablamos un poco, le entregué lo que llevaba y tome el control de la aplicación de su tratamiento. Aunque fue poco es gratificante, el hecho de cuidar a un familiar cuando está convaleciente, más aun cuando es una persona que ha sido como una segunda madre para ti.

Excitement overwhelmed me as I got closer and closer and tired, but with great joy I arrived. I found my aunt sitting there unable to move her head down, grateful for the gesture she hugged me, we talked a little, I gave her what I was carrying and took control of the application of her treatment. Although it was little, it is gratifying to take care of a family member when they are convalescing, even more so when it is a person who has been like a second mother to you.


Ella tiene una hermosa propiedad rodeada de flores y frutas, y era tanto su regocijo porque tenía mi compañía que quiso mostrármelas. Eso nos sirvió de terapia ya que hablamos, reímos, lloramos recordamos viejos momentos y también todo esto sirvió para planificar futuros encuentros.

Excitement overwhelmed me as I got closer and closer and tired, but with great joy I arrived. I found my aunt sitting there unable to move her head down, grateful for the gesture she hugged me, we talked a little, I handed her what I was carrying and took control of the application of her treatment. In these times it is not a good time for her, in relation to the union of her children who are my cousins due to differences over a material good. Nowadays I have observed this situation in many families, when everything could have been different, because lately due to the confinement we have shared more at home and see that material things are never compared to love and family togetherness, let alone the love of a mother. For this reason she is practically alone.


Satisfecha regreso a casa de haber compartido con la familia, apoyado a un ser querido cuando lo requería, salir de casa y compartir en la naturaleza momentos que continuaran estrechando lazos y escribiendo historias, que servirán de aprendizajes para los futuros miembros de la familia.

Gracias por leerme y compartir un momento familiar.

Todas las fotografías son de mi propiedad TOMADAS CON MI TELÉFONO ZTE LADE A3 LITE

Satisfied to have shared with the family, to have supported a loved one when needed, to have left the house and shared moments in nature that will continue to strengthen bonds and write stories that will serve as lessons for future family members.
Thank you for reading me and sharing a family moment.
All photographs are my property TAKEN WITH MY ZTE LADE A3 LITE PHONE.



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Lovely and this is so nice to do as a blog. I see you are doing very well I see 4 blogs already since you came to hive. Congrats I see you have fun.
I hope tag use for your blog are clear to use, if not let me know.

Thank you for your words that comfort me and encourage me to continue as it is new to me, and I want to do well and that my content is to the liking of those who read it. Thank you for your kindness and support.

You are very welcome ? Good luck and have a great Sunday