Winner of a thousand battles

in Family & Friends3 years ago (edited)

Since blockchain technology emerged, the possibility of "immortalizing" or at least capturing as an indelible mark stories, anecdotes, places or characters that will go down in history due to the immutability of these data was born with it.

Jackson celebrating his first year, Uracoa, Monagas, Venezuela. FOTO: @fucho80

Taking advantage of the virtues of this technology, I want to "immortalize" in the Blockchain HIVE a story that is worth being told, of someone who has just started his journey in this world and has already had to fight multiple battles from which the Lord our God has made him come out successful.

Jackson is the son of Yuliannys a young girl who for reasons of life became pregnant in a relationship that held behind her parents back, as a result of this clandestine relationship on June 27, 2021 was born JAY JACKSON JIRE as his mother named him.

The child has become a light for our family, an unexpected blessing bringing with him many moments of joy for his grandparents, as well as many battles, starting from the news of the pregnancy of our daughter just 17 years old and all the medical situations that JACKSON has had to go through and us with him, situations in which we have cried for him but we have seen how he clings to life, at the same time that the Lord our God has sustained him.

Medical history.

Once we found out about our daughter's pregnancy and after crying together over this unexpected news, my wife and I decided that we should support her and take charge of the situation. As my wife was devastated by the news, I had to take the first steps with my daughter.

So it was that on March 4, 2021, according to the ultrasound that was practiced, the doctor ordered to perform deeper studies to rule out hydrocephalus in the fetus, at that time began our concern so we went to see another doctor that she recommended which in turn gave us the order to make a 3D ultrasound.

Days later, on April 28th we traveled to the capital of our state to perform the required study, which resulted in the diagnosis of Agenesis of the corpus callosum.

Agenesis (absence) or dysgenesis (malformation) of the CC is an abnormality that involves or affects millions of fibers that connect the hemispheres. This happens when neuronal migration is interrupted in the early stages of fetal life. This alteration may appear isolated or associated with other congenital malformations. The worldwide prevalence of this pathology is 1 in 4000 children (NINDS, 2019). It is difficult to determine the specific cause of Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (AgCC). Some factors that have been considered as possible causes are (Paul et al., 2007; Jeret et al., 1987):


mutations or genetic inheritance.
Chromosomal abnormalities associated with chromosome 8, 11, 13, 15 and 18.
Infections or prenatal damage.
Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Maternal exposure to toxins or medications during pregnancy.
Brain cysts.
Metabolic alterations.

After this diagnosis we clung to our faith, prayer and confidence that everything was going to be okay.

The mistreated newborn baby, Uracoa, Monagas, Venezuela. FOTO: @fucho80

The wait was long until the moment of delivery because the worst was about to happen; That Sunday, June 17, while I was on my way to fulfill my ministerial commitments with the congregation, my daughter was taken to the local hospital, where she was the victim of medical malpractice due to the unexpected presentation of the baby at the time of birth, The child was severely mistreated due to the fact that his presentation at the moment of birth was face first, he did not show his head as it usually happens, but his face, which the doctor on duty mistook for the child's backside and thought that he was sitting down, this made them very nervous and they ended up mistreating the child.

One day later, before leaving the hospital, Uracoa, Monagas, Venezuela. FOTO: @fucho80

JACKSON, product of the struggle at the time of birth suffered contusions, bruises, detachment of part of the skin on one of his cheeks, in addition to the fracture of his left arm, only at the time of birth, he was very young for what he was facing, however, his recovery was very fast.

At that time, I requested the opinion of my friend Dr. @josevas217 who besides giving me his recommendations helped us financially in this difficult time.

X-ray showing the fracture in his left arm, Uracoa, Monagas, Venezuela. FOTO: @fucho80

We had to perform x-rays and put him in a cast when he was only days old. Just days after his recovery, JACKSON faced another battle from which he would come out of it with flying colors, we don't know how but he contracted a stomach problem (diarrhea) that dehydrated him in a few days, taking him to the extreme you see in the picture, in the middle of this new battle we again clung to faith and Yuli (my wife) cried for him while she prayed.

Convalescent with a diarrhea condition, Uracoa, Monagas, Venezuela. FOTO: @fucho80

We consulted a pediatrician who provided him with a medical treatment that little by little was recovering him, JACKSON was surviving again, once again this tiny gladiator was winning another battle.

Things went well for a while and the child grew and developed according to the conditions of his medical diagnosis (Agenesis of the corpus callosum) until he got sick again recently, the little warrior began to present a fever, vomiting and diarrhea, for which he began to be treated believing that it was some kind of virus.

As the days passed the problem not only persisted but worsened, complicating with small ulcers in the mouth which prevented him from eating food, he was taken to the doctor being diagnosed and treated superficially without getting any improvement, the situation of anguish and crying returned to our home.

Fighting their most recent battle, Uracoa, Monagas, Venezuela. FOTO: @fucho80

A couple of days ago through an eses exam, we found out that the battle JACKSON is facing is against a parasite called Strongyloide, which produces a disease called Strongyloidiasis. This parasite is transmitted by animals, dogs, cats and others causing all these types of lesions that JACKSON suffered in his body and with which he is currently battling.


Strongyloides stercoralis is an infection caused by the roundworm Strongyloides stercoralis (S stercoralis).


S stercoralis is a common roundworm in warm, moist areas. It can rarely be found as far north as Canada.

People become infected when their skin comes in contact with soil contaminated with these worms.

This tiny worm is barely visible to the naked eye. Young roundworms can move through a person's skin and eventually from the bloodstream into the lungs and respiratory tract.

They then move up into the throat where they are swallowed into the stomach. From the stomach, the worms move into the small intestine, where they attach to the intestinal wall. They then produce eggs, which hatch into small larvae (immature worms) that leave the body.

Unlike other worms, these larvae can re-enter the body through the skin around the anus, which allows the infection to proliferate. The areas where the worms pass through the skin may become red and painful.


Jackson in the arms of his grandfather, Uracoa, Monagas, Venezuela. FOTO: @fucho80


Particularly I think and I am sure that he will win this battle, thanks to God and to the diagnosis he has already been given the deworming treatment and other medications with which we see a noticeable improvement, JACKSON is recovering his joy little by little as well as his health.

The child is about to turn 15 months old, he still does not walk due to his condition and his many battles, we hope and pray to our Lord that he can develop in the best way, I also believe that there is a divine purpose with this child who has had to face many battles since his birth until now.

In relation to the future, only God knows and only He knows what He has in store for us, but as far as our family is concerned we are willing to continue facing every struggle with him, surrounding him with love, tenderness and care.

For this grandfather JACKSON will continue to be a winner of a thousand battles.


[ENG] A marvel and a wonder @fucho80, how a Sovereign God knits us together with others over time and space. Language and culture. Differences in origin and experiences in life, yet ... United by the universal nature of so much of what is all around us ...

My beloved and I read this post tearfully. We are also grandparents of a "special needs" (as referred to here in America) child. Our little Nathaniel, courageously "fighting the good fight" for whatever outcome our Heavenly Father allows him to experience, in overcoming the enormous challenges of his birth.

With you and Yuli, we leave it all in His hands. And continually pray that His perfect will is accomplished. For whatever difficulties we have in understanding His purposes now, we rest in peace knowing in eternity it will all be perfectly clear.

Thank you for sharing this story with us and "immutably enshrining" the telling of it here on our Hive blockchain.

[ESP] Una maravilla y un asombro @fucho80, cómo un Dios Soberano nos une a otros a través del tiempo y el espacio. La lengua y la cultura. Diferencias de origen y experiencias en la vida, y sin embargo... Unidos por la naturaleza universal de mucho de lo que nos rodea ...

Mi amado y yo leímos este post con lágrimas en los ojos. También somos abuelos de un niño con "necesidades especiales" (como se dice aquí en Estados Unidos). Nuestro pequeño Nathaniel, valientemente "luchando la buena batalla" para cualquier resultado que nuestro Padre Celestial le permite experimentar, en la superación de los enormes desafíos de su nacimiento.

Con usted y Yuli, lo dejamos todo en sus manos. Y rezamos continuamente para que se cumpla Su perfecta voluntad. Por cualquier dificultad que tengamos para entender sus propósitos ahora, descansamos en paz sabiendo que en la eternidad todo estará perfectamente claro.

Gracias por compartir esta historia con nosotros y por "consagrar inmutablemente" la narración de la misma aquí en nuestra cadena de bloques Hive.

Saludos y bendiciones amados hermanos, gracias por su comentario. Que bueno que se sientan identificados con esta historia, es una verdadera historia de lucha, cosa que no pedimos pero que por alguna razon nuestro señor permite que vivamos.

P.S. Helping with a bit of editing, below the picture of your Jackson, there is one paragraph which did not get translated from Spanish to English. Also, three of the images are not visible.

P.D. Ayudando con un poco de edición, debajo de la foto de tu Jackson, hay un párrafo que no se tradujo del español al inglés. Además, tres de las imágenes no son visibles.

Gracias por la correccion, ya arregle lo de la traduccion pero lo de las imagenes no se porque sucede, aqui veo que se cargaron bien y cuando abro la publicacion se ven todas bien.

Yes, I cannot explain why I could not see 3 of the images originally. I used PeakD's UI and have always found it to be very reliable.

I do see them now!