Una familia poco tradicional 🤗/An untraditional family 🤗[ESP-ENG]

in Family & Friends2 months ago

Primeramente feliz navidad a cada miembro de la comunidad ❤️ sobre mi titulo les quiero comentar que se refiere a que mi familia somos un círculo pequeño consta de abuela,padre,dos pequeños y yo su madre desde hace par de años nos alejamos del resto de la familia,como se dije a veces hay que poder el árbol genealógico

First of all, Merry Christmas to every member of the community ❤️ About my title I want to tell you that it refers to the fact that my family is a small circle consisting of grandmother, father, two little ones and me, their mother. For a couple of years we have distanced ourselves from the rest of the family, as was said sometimes you have to be able to see the family tree.

Ayer 24 de diciembre nos gusta celebrar estás fechas festivas ,pero sin las tradiciones convencionales de la cena navideña, ni esperamos exactamente las 12am para entregar los regalos a los niños

Yesterday, December 24, we like to celebrate these festive dates, but without the conventional traditions of Christmas dinner, nor do we wait exactly until 12am to give gifts to the children.

A pesar de que su padre y yo estamos separados velamos y vemos por nuestros hijos unas horas el y horas yo

Even though his father and I are separated, we watch over our children for a few hours, he and I.

Mientras escribo les enseño un poco de lo que fue nuestro dia, yo por mi parte siempre digo

As I write I show you a little of what our day was like, for my part I always say

¿Para que voy a vestir a mis hijos en la noche si casi nadie los vera?

Consta recalcar que por donde vivo casi no hay niños,ni personas celebrando, asi que yo los vestí temprano con sus estrenos y le los lleve a comer 😊

Why would I dress my children at night if almost no one will see them?

It is worth emphasizing that where I live there are almost no children or people celebrating, so I dressed them early in their new clothes and took them to eat 😊

Pasamos unas horas divinas y muy contentos

We spent some divine hours and were very happy

Otra de las cosas que no cumplimos como comenté mas arriba, es que no hacemos cena navideña, porque no nos gusta las hallacas, a los niños no les gusta el pan de jamón, solo quedaria la ensalada de gallina y eso no es complementario sin todo lo demas 🤭

Another thing that we don't do, as I mentioned above, is that we don't make Christmas dinner, because we don't like hallacas, the kids don't like ham bread, the only thing left would be chicken salad and that's not complementary without everything else 🤭

Preferimos salir, compartir,lo que ellos quisieran,porque en al fin y al cabo hoy es su dia y estabamos con su abuelita

We prefer to go out, share, whatever they want, because after all today is their day and we were with their grandmother.

Luegos nos fuimos al parque, y le di su regalo (el niño jesus) a la niña le dije que era su regalo porque se porto super bien todo el año asi que el regalo llevo temprano y me encantó porque disfruto bastante junto con otras niñas que estaban cerca ,mi niño pidió otro regalo hace ya dias asi que no tengo fotografías, porque el ya con sus 10 años sabe que mamá y papa son Santa Claus y el muy feliz de mantenerle la ilusión a su hermanita

Then we went to the park, and I gave the girl her gift (baby Jesus). I told her it was her gift because she behaved super well all year, so she brought the gift early and I loved it because she enjoyed it a lot along with other girls who were nearby. My boy asked for another gift a few days ago, so I don't have any pictures, because he is already 10 years old and knows that mom and dad are Santa Claus, and he is very happy to keep his little sister's dreams alive.

Ya aca estamos agotados todos jeje veniamos en el bus, y se me durmieron en el camino ,ya era hora de ir con papa

]We're all exhausted here, hehe. We were on the bus and they fell asleep on the way. It was time to go with dad.

YO A MIS HIJOS LOS AMO CON MI VIDA 🥹❤️poquitos pero con mucho amor
I LOVE MY CHILDREN WITH MY LIFE 🥹❤️a little but with a lot of love

Fotografías de mi propiedad tomadas por infinix smath 9


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