Hello my brother, it's great that you use the blog to let off steam, this space frees us from tensions and helps us to put many elements of our lives in order beyond the usual content that we can offer.
In a grieving process there will always be 2 visions: the one of the one who had the loss and the one that surrounds the one who had the loss; and in this second one there will be many but many normal distortions that occur because you and nobody else that you know better the pain that you live...
Both your brother, your mother and you, will have something that differentiates you in terms of grief management, better said, the grief of each one will not be the same and in this spectrum we find the grief that you carry together as a family, and the individual grief. During the family process, the day to day will allow you to get to know your individual grief and adapt it to that of the other so that there is always a balance that does not disharmonize both the coexistence and that space that should not be allowed to be invaded, that sacred space that you 3 should take care of taking into account the memory of your dad...
The disappointment you feel is very normal, the important thing is that it does not turn into resentment because the emotional burden will be greater for you, in this case, to move away from those who are not aligned with what you feel or think will be necessary because it is your healing process that is at stake... some will understand and others will not, that will also be part of the adjustment that you will have to make in your family and social circle.
That is not a bad thing, it is something indispensable, what you cannot allow is that the emotional integrity of the 3 of you or of each one of you with respect to what is related to your father, is not attacked or violated... you have to achieve a great self-control to be able to take care of the sacredness of the moment.
I believe that when the time comes to address the issue with people from your work or someone close to you, you will do it well even if inside you feel like not talking... this will allow you to have many readings regarding people and keep by your side those who are not invasive or aggressive, because people like that are never missing!!!!!
A hug my brother, live your process without stopping and without stopping doing what you love both for you and your family especially your dad, who wants to see you more successful and satisfied at all levels and always seeks to drain into something positive, this you did here is a great therapeutic tool, take full advantage of it ... I love you very much.... You Rockkk!!! 💖
My mom, my brother and Jhoxiris are the most precious jewels I have left at this moment. I cannot allow anyone to soil my treasure, least of all on my face, let alone at this time of so much pain. Everyone is welcome as long as they understand the concept of RESPECT... It truly is a sacred moment for us. I don't think I resent anyone, but in the midst of the pain and silence one can observe and learn.
I am glad to meet people like you through blockchain, not only because you have become a friend, but I have learned a lot from you because you are a pro at everything, especially psychology. You don't post in that niche, but you have helped a lot of people through your work in that area, including me. thanks Fernando!
Totally agree my brother, respect is crucial in this process, you have to take care of that emotional stability... you will be able to consolidate that to keep moving forward!!!!
You can count on me as a friend, brother and professional.... thank you for your words my Bro and you know that it is with great pleasure that help.... You Rockkk!!! 😘💖