Hello Family and friends community members, this is my first post in this community. Introducing my name @ettydiallova. This is my beloved family, which consists of father, mother younger brother and nephew. We live in Indonesia, in the province of Lampung, Sumatra Island. I am the second child of Mr Bejo Jamhari and have 5 siblings.
We live in a neighborhood close to my mother's extended family, Joyo Pawiro. This family is very large, during family wedding receptions or other big events our family can gather up to a hundred other people. It started with just two grandparents and then grew into a large family.
One of the events we attended was the wedding of Yoyok and Parda, one of our family members. From the family is the groom who will go to the bride's house. To attend the wedding event is to prepare the best collection of clothes that I have, so that it look beautiful and good.
In the morning after preparing myself, I went to my parents' house. Because later and the family will go together to escort the groom to the wedding reception venue. When I arrived at my father's house, the rest of the family was ready. So we didn't forget to take a photo together as a keepsake. Because moments like this are very rare, gathering and all neat conditions.
From home, we headed to the house of Dimana's aunt who was going to take her son to get married. The aunt's house is not too far away and is slightly in from the main road. When we arrived the atmosphere was already crowded, many families had arrived. There were also various dishes prepared. In addition, the groom's entourage will also bring food to give to the bride.
Everyone was dressed in their best clothes. So many of my nieces and nephews have grown up, got married and have children. I am now 41 years old. At my age, some of my friends even have three children. However, I only have one who is currently 15 years old, he is a boy. When I went to Taiwan, my son was 2 years old and I returned home at 14 years old. A tough kid, growing up without mum's assistance.
The moment of gathering together is a rare thing, not forgetting we also took a photo together for a memento, because after that we will take the groom to his wedding. The groom is the son of his aunt (mum's sister) so we call him a cousin.
He had just come back from working in Taiwan to look for marriage capital and for a much better future after marrying his wife. Happy Wedding Yoyo & Parda. That was the introduction and story about our extended family, Joyo Pawiro Family.
Thank you for reading dan support my Blog.see you in another my stories.

About Author
Welcome to Etty's Small Corner Hive Blog. She is an Indonesian who love in writing, she also teacher in international primary school
She won an essay competition race with the theme of education at the Indonesian economic trade office, Taipei in 2019. and won two awards and two trophies in TLAM 2020. The first champion of the Essai migrant workers of Taiwan by 2021. Her solo book was published in 2015. She is also a writer in an Indonesian language redaction in Taiwan.
Contak Person: E-mail: etimelati18@gmail.com II Discord: Etty Diallova#9230.